
  • This is going to be a major split within the non-conservative movement.  (I use the phrase 'non-conservative', rather than 'progressive' or 'liberal' or 'Leftist', because I believe that someone who is for a comprehensive national health care program, and a $15 minimum wage, but against 'cancel culture', against stupid pointless foreign wars, who has served honorably in a war zone, who supports the police and the military, who hates flag-burners ... although from a conservative point of view, such a person is not a conservative, ... yet... they're someone conservatives ought to be able to do business with.

    And it is to our advantage that people like Major Gabbard speak up, and rally others like them within the Democratic Party.

    So we should do whatever we can to help them against their enemies to the Left, cooperate on issues where we agree, and have a civil discussion about issues where we disagree.

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