
  • They are delusional if they think VP Pence has even the slightest chance of winning in the primaries... in fact, everywhere he goes he will be shouted down, pelted with garbage, and runoff.  How detached are the RINOs... they have to live on Mars not to understand Pence is dog poo and deserves to be kicked out of the party not offered as a candidate for President.  Maybe they know something we still haven't accepted... that our ELECTIONS ARE TOTALLY RIGGED... as that is the only way Pence will be nominated.

  • I would not vote for Pence as dogcatcher.  As far as I am concerned, he, Liz Cheney, and Adam KInsinger may as well switch and become official Dems.

  • Look for JFK Jr. to come out of the shadows that he has been living in for over 20 years and become DJT's running mate when the 2020 elections are finally declared null and void - under Martial Law auspices - from so much fraud in them coming to light and new elections are held.  As for 2024, I don't really think there will be any elections then.  I think that the NWO crowd, with all their corruption and Darness in general, has brought the world to the brink of a New Beginning.  Call it the end of the (educational) Drama, and the beginning of The Real Thing, as we go up a notch or two in consciousness - out of the spiritual equivalent of elementary school, and into the higher realms of graduate school.  Life - as we have known it - being a school.  And the purpose being TO graduate.  Not to get stuck in it, and just go around and around on the same level, learning - or not - the same old lessons.  We have work to do, as the 'spiritual beings having a human experience' that we are.  Time to get to the job at hand, on our Journey.  Individually.  And collectively.     

  • Seriously, Pence is a distraction for the enhanced embarrassment factor.

    Hopes that GOP never-trumpers will rally to success is monumentally stupid.

  • If the RNC puts Pence (THE TRAITOR) up. They can kiss MY CONSERVATIVE ASS GOOD BYE!  Not that I have much use for the RNC since they support Liz Chaney, and othet Rinos.

    • I am with you on that one and furthermore I would never trust the Republicans 

    • There are some good republicans, don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Vote out those you don't like!

    • Using the term 'Good' with nearly any politician... is an oxymoronic statement.

    • You're just a miserable old man, you know well there are good sre arguing for argument's  sake.

    • Then you are in denial!

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