
  • But Ol' Joe is a sniffin' graftin' griftin' whiz, and a good order-follower, ain't he?

  • Trump proved the Fact that the most dangerous human predator living among us in our Nation is the "Professional Politician." President Trump represented everything that either Political Party is "Not!" In a confrontations He stood toe to toe alone and with His People against All Comers, not like Biden and His Carrion standing back to feed on the outcomes after the works are completed. Trump in the "Withdrawal of Troops" would have assured the complete safety and evacuation of all assisting allies/personnel and enlightened girls/women. Only a Coward would have directed them to be abandoned to torture and death.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Except: he is Correct about getting out of Afghanistan. After 20+ years if the Afghanistan military can't figure out command and control they never will. America spent Billions of U.S. dollars and countless American life's to teach cowards how to fend for themselves. Enough is enough!!!

    • You are right and wrong.  I have no problem with getting out of Afghanistan - what I have a problem is was doing it with NO organized plan.  Which unfortunately is what the Traitor's administration did.


  • Pray that God will deliver Trump back to us in 2024 with DeSantis as his running mate.

  • Traitor Biden is completely incompetent and should be removed.  Unfortunately since the demockrats control Congress we know this will not happen.

  • Biden not only gets it wrong on foreign policy he has yet to get it right on Domestic policy. Biden Domestic policy is illegals before Americans

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