
    • And empty rhetoric from you is worse than unproductive ... its destructive ... we have enough of that from the Lefties. Please stop.

    • Yes, empty rhetoric... Words spoken knowing they will not bring about the desired results are the platitudes of promises proven many times not to work.  They are dangerous.  Why?  Because empty rhetoric soon breeds betrayal, defeatism, and loss of hope.  In fact, promises, based on failed past performance, are a FORM OF LYING... pandering without expecting to achieve the results promised.  

      I am sick of the pandering and lack of effective GOP reform programs... Why hasn't Trump called for a meeting of the RED STATE GOVERNORS and leadership; too, ask them to pass resolutions officially declaring the 2020 Election a FRAUD.  Why hasn't he stepped forward to personally ask the States to hold an Article V convention to recall those ELECTED by fraud, subject to new elections (this is a legal constitutional, and expedient path to save Trump's second term).  This sort of action would bring results or point out where the roadblocks are (bad politicians) so we can remove them.

      There are other Amendments that they could also consider in the Convention: Term Limits, Balanced Budget, An Amendment to REPEAL and or rewrite the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, etc.  This Constitutional process has not been attempted, it is not empty rhetoric and it would be very effective. Why has this not been called upon by a unified GOP? Possibly, because it may actually work and many of our GOP governors and reps have no intention in returning Constitutional Government to the People? We need to expose these RINO's and asking them to limit their power in an Article V Convention would definitely expose those who are RINO's from the true GOP conservative.

      Doing the something over and over again, while failing to get the desired results is delusional or insane...  IN POINT OF FACT such acts keep the STATUS QUO IN PLACE... That is exactly what the deep state wants, to keep the status quo.  It is past time for the GOP Leadership to mobilize the RED STATES and local government to engage massive anti-commandeering and NULIFICATION tactics.  These tactics are proven legislative actions that will work to restrain and return the federal government to its Constitutional Limits.  However, the GOP leadership must use them to be effective.  Failure to use their Constitutional Powers to limit the Federal Government is an ABDICATION OF THEIR SOVERIGNTY and that of their citizens. 

      I am becoming of the opinion that the GOP is nothing but a spoiler in our reform efforts... in the political processes to limit Federal Power.  I am not certain they are sincere about reforms.  Acting as if they want to support the people's call for reform and when in power NEVER ACTUALLY DOING ANYTING PERMANENT or effective to install such change... Even under Pres. Trump, all or most of Trump's acts will soon be reversed.  His Judicairay appointments are now seen as QUESTIONABLE and DISAPPOINTING... as were many of the BUSH appointments... All this begs the question: were such appointments intentional and the disappointments unexpected, or were they part of the Globalist strategy to misdirect and deceive?

    • Yes, makes you wonder doesn't it. Thankyou for making one question and think.

    • Your quite welcome... and it certainly is my intent to get everyone to question the motives and to think on the historical record of both political parties and their actual performance and goals... are they Constitutional and who do they benefit... the people or and elite plutocracy?  Once we know who our actual enemies and friends are we can develop political strategies to return our government to its roots as a Constitutional REPUBLIC with the States and the People having the greatest power in our government.

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