
The immigration policy that is known as the Remain in Mexico program is now on a fast track to having oral arguments heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to expedite a review of the Biden administration’s plan to do away with the program.


The Remain in Mexico program formally titled the Migrant Protection Protocols (MMP) is a Trump-era policy that allows illegal migrants to be sent back across the southern border to wait on the Mexico side for their asylum cases to be heard. Joe Biden put a stop to the program when he took office, as he did with most of the previous administration’s immigration policies. Biden essentially promised open borders when he campaigned and he has shown no interest in securing the southern border against the flood of illegal migrants crossing over from the Mexican border into the United States. In earlier judgments, lower courts have sided against the Biden administration and ruled that it has not provided adequate reasons for ending the policy. The courts have ruled that the Biden administration’s procedures for asylum seekers are unlawful.

More than a year into his term as president, the DOJ is still arguing that the Trump administration’s immigration policies were inhumane. Biden’s wrong-headed approach to illegal immigration includes burying his head in the sand and pretending the Biden border crisis does not exist. The State of Texas, for example, has filed numerous lawsuits against the Biden administration, as it is the epicenter of illegal migration. The Supreme Court refused to stop a ruling by a Texas federal judge and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit last summer that compelled the Biden administration to put the program back in place. Since then, the administration has slow-walked re-instating the program while professing compliance with the court order. The administration claims the Supreme Court must review the case, arguing that lower courts usurped the powers of the president.

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  • Let's hope they get it right, but with John Roberts as Chief Justice, one can never be certain.

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    • I couldn't ahve said it better.

  • The biden administration is the most corupt in American history, its been proven that his son works for the chinese government.

    Biden allowed russia to build a oil pipeline and STOPPED American pipelins and the israel pipe line. The Republicans must take 

    back the House & Senate. The Supreme Court must uphold the Rule of Law. It must demand biden pot back inplace the "Stay in Mexico Order"

  • Somehow, (with the innumerable betrayels by  the SCOTUS) I think 'not'.

    How joyeous would it be ... to be proven 'wrong' on this.

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