Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) will use $5.2 billion of federal coronavirus stimulus aid to bail out California’s delinquent renters... What happened to all the pandemic relief money... thousands of dollars to families and billions in weekly unemployment checks greater than their normal incomes?  This is insane why work at all?

“That appears to be more than enough to cover all of the unpaid rent in the state, according to Jason Elliott, senior counselor to Newsom on housing and homelessness,” the Associated Press reported.  But California says it may not be able to compensate landlords with the sum of money before June 30, when state and federal eviction moratoriums will expire from coronavirus-related measures.

The AP reported the California Department of Housing and Community Development showed that of the $490 million in requests for rental assistance through May 31, just $32 million has been paid.  That does not include the 12 cities and 10 counties that run their own rental assistance programs, it continued. State leaders are mulling how to allocate the $5.2 billion with the June 30 deadline approaching."  Quote Associated Press reported.

The State of Maryland just reported over 500 million in fraudulent unemployment claims...  Why work, when unemployment pays more than work and with housing assistance, food stamps, free medical care, and utility subsidies, those on welfare can now party all night and sleep all day. They can drive new cars, dress in the latest fashion, and thumb their noses at their neighbors who are not taking the government aid.  Want to know why America is in real trouble...  look no further than the WELFARE STATE... or should I say the Progressive State?

Jefferson and Madison often wrote of the dangers associated with Democracy and an immoral state... best summed up by this quote:  "A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." Quote Thomas Jefferson, 1801.

The super-wealthy fund their taxes passing them on as increased charges to the consumers of their goods and services... too, their renters, and those who do business with them. The wealthy simply PASS ON their taxes by including them in the costs charged for their goods and services. A key element for creating hyperinflation is massive taxation, which can and is taking place thru QUANTITATIVE EASING, the manipulation of our currency and monetary policies.  The Fed and the super-wealthy are destroying the value of the dollar and if they are permitted to continue it will result in massive inflation... effectively STEALING all the retirement funds and savings now held by the general public... as all dollar vested securities will become nearly worthless.  TAX THE RICH AND HURT THE POOR. 

The DEMOCRATS have discovered they don't need to raise taxes... just print money ... However, there is no free lunch. Printing currency, to fund the government, is the same thing as raising taxes, only one doesn't need to vote for higher taxes.  No visible political downside. By using QUANTITATIVE EASING the Democrats are funding extravagant socialist programs by printing currency, which adversely impacts the value of the dollars held circulation... in our paychecks, savings, and retirement funds. Thru quantitative easing, the government doesn't need to raise taxes or appear to be looting our wealth.  This is the progressive state's way to redistribute income and labor's wealth... while, appearing to do nothing.  Most people will not understand what happened. They will simply swallow hard and take a government hand out... and the chains that come with it. 

Wake up America your wealth is being stolen... by an out-of-control Federal Government and its monetary policies...  One day, you will wake up to find bread is 100 dollars a loaf and unless you are on food stamps/subsidies you will starve... even though you were once relatively secure, with substantial savings and a good retirement income.

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  • Pandemic aid is nothing more than pandering for votes...  time to stop all supplemental aid and too tell the Nation its time to return to work... at the pay scale you left ... or, find a new job.

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