
  • his un ambassador went out and thoroughly trashed America before the whole world!!!!!! These people are controlled by satan, and more than willing to sell their souls for the temporary power and wealth it gives them!!!!!!!!!!  They will find out how hot hell is and how long eternity lasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • They didn't win and they know audits will show they didn't so they ATTACK  ATTACK  ATTACK hoping to either discourage  or dishearten us but I will not succumb to either.  President Trump WON the election and audits will prove it.  I don't know if the damage done can be repaired or not.  The devildemocommiecrats, their Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, and the marxist anarchists may have done enough to finish us off as a free nation able and fit to defend against satanic tyranny!!!!!!!!!

  • I'm sure the COMMUNISTS lost.  And that's WAY beyond  a reasonable doubt. Just as I'm sure WAY beyond a reasonable doubt they're well inio the process of overthrowing our country from within!

  • A  BIDEN FLUNKY ! A flunky working for an un-indited "white collar " felon . Interesting situation we find ourselves in . Trump had more leadership skills then 

    all of China Joes far left nuts !  That s what I think .

    • !!AGREED !!

  • All double talk

  • You can tell by is facial reaction that he is LYING. That's all DEMS do. Wish KARMA would get to them quick. 

  • You will NEVER get a straight answer from these VERMIN, PERIOD!

  • Just another Biden butt smooching weasil!

  • So transparent. That's their M.O., just throw lies out there and hope nobody calls you on it.

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