Image result for Republican RINOs meme

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  • These RHINOS are cowards & hope if they join demwits, they will not be persecuted like President Trump!  Republicans never UNITE on anything  & citizens need to recall these traitors!

  • I don't have to remember their names - I have had them in mind for quite some time.  They too are acting in a manner that is detrimental to the country.  I can't do anything about it, but hopefully the people in their states will.

    • Kizinger WILL NOT answer to anyone outside his District..! I WILL talk to Rodney Davis and he Will relay any message that I want..!!!

  • Now we know who is defiantly unfit.

    The People will have their chance to rememdy.

  • I don't think the Soviet Union flag represents the dems, the Soviet Union never had malicious idiots running that country... Britain maybe?

    Lock up England in jail or an insane asylum! | Investig’Action
    Here it goes again! The same old tired and predictable tune, the same recognizable chorus. Once again the world is told what to think and what to bel…
  • Clearly, if you go against Trump, you go against the US Constitution and the country as a whole. These un-American people need to be primaried for sure.

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