

       While it's  been coming for a century, and very strongly the last 30 years, most Americans didn't. They simply assumed that America will remain free without effort, and voting for undeserving people who were in it for themselves and promising handouts to hose who vote for them. They didn't take seriously the warning of the founders, they told the people the republic can only survive if it's run by good, honorable people.

  • Even though a protest may be nonviolent, when it disrupts peoples lives it is not peaceful. Blocking people's paths, screaching at them at 4db above pain level, keeping them awake at night etc., is a form of intimidation and is anything but peaceful. If more police responded the way these officers did, there might be fewer disruptive protests. This woman got what she asked for.


    If the protester is on public property while breaking the law then this is also the jusidiction of the police and the sheriff's department. 

    BTY - notice the man with his back to the tackdown in a flat black suit....... hispanic SS. armed with a badge and a name tag for tracing, trained in active conflict resolution. 

  • They are all crazy! Take a good look at most of them and wonder why they ever worry about needing an there a guy that would dare go near them?

    • One as crazy as she. They both think they are sane. 

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