
  • His mind is that of a criminal gangster wannabe

  • Just keep him away from taxicab driving.

  • De Niro is one big idiot. He says that Trump is so obviously a sham and a bully and he doesn't know why a Senator Graham is cowtowing to someone like Trump. I got news for you, De Niro. The large majority of real Americans firmly supports Trump no matter what. He is the best president in our lifetimes. He made America great again, and every American can see it.


  • How did De Niro get his head wedged so far up his wazoo?


  • Will someone please hit the 'Reset Button' on De Niro... time to check out Robert, step aside and let some other burgeoning actors screw up the world...  Be the first in your neighborhood to reset.

    • You liked that "GREAT RESET BUTTON" mental image, did'nt you?

      I hoped so when I remembered the shrew Secretary of State Hillary presenting an emergency "reset button" mounted on a box in a PR event. I figure it is no coincidence, since she is a protege and collaborator in evil with Soros, she knew even then what is going down now.

      Quite a joker.

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