
  • Not to mention the worst domestic policy disaster that is our southern border. We will not forget this atrocity either. Everything they touch turns to 💩

  • People should stop watching all kind of fake news from the media to the newspaper and Facebook and Twitter and all other let their ratings go down 

    • what they need to do is have fellowship with God because he is the only hope we have for this nation, not the News media or the Zombies who are leading this nation.

  • There are so many things happening right now that we are being overwhelmed by the communist regime.  They have been planning and organizing for over 70 years and we have been just relying on our government to follow the constitution and do the right thing.  

    Even the SC is a corrupt government lap dog.  They ignore the cancel culture actions, the failure of "law enforcement", and the basic rights that are being taken from us by the local police/courts.

  • The difference between what Washington DC believes and Reality is comparable to sitting in  "Closed Closet" and "Walking in the Sunshine!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • this is what I called stupidity 101 and like said before the Devil is running this nation period forget about joe biden, kamala harris because it's under the Obama third term in office the Devil is using them as puppets for the AntiChrist to show up in a big way especially in Afgan we have to remember it's all happening in the middle east that's where the end-time prophecy is going to take place.

  • The Taliban is already issuing threats if our military isn't out by Biden's timetable. I can see Biden and his administration trying to blame it all on Trump as they leave people there to fend for themselves.

  • No.  We will not forget.  The debacle in Afghanistan hopefully will spell the end of the democrats' control of federal government.  We need to see a purge of high ranking military leaders who have failed to keep their oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

  • Now is the time for the military leaders who are loyal to the Constitution and Trump, to move in, make arrests, and clean house.

  • The demockrats might forget - or at least protend they have forgotten.  I will not and I don't hink most people who care about the US will either.  Even if the citizens and those who helped the US are eventually rescued, I fear many will be lost before that happens.  Inspite of Biden's lies about nobody being killed yet, we know that is not the truth.  This administration and all the demockrats who support it have to be held accountable. 

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