
  • Idiotic, nonsensical and non sequitur Mandates from this or any other President should best be treated as a Spoiled Baby's "Tantrum Outburst", and ignored until it goes away.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Agreed, however, it appears law enforcement and so far State governments are working to put the force of law behind unconstitutional mandates.

  • Dear Concerned, Your Doctor Brothers were not "Forced" to take anything. They were coerced/threatened with loss of job if they did not submit. Perhaps this resulted from lack of "Courage of Conviction" on their part to refuse. If All Doctors, or the Majority, or even Half or a Quarter refused the Vaccination, do you truly believe that the Governments would have pulled their "Tickets to Practice" with the current shortages occurring today? Most certainly not. Yet the Majority of Americans are submitting like Sheep to Masters with no whips! Cowards all, afraid to risk security for Freedom!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Lynn your choice of words (coerced/threatened) is correct, I only stated what they both had said (Forced). But afraid to risk security after a review of their respective careers the reality of 1.5 years and 2.3 years for Full Fed Retirements - gone!  A tough decision for all and the Dictator in the Oval Office - Basement knows this!


  • Federal law is usually wrong

  • EO is not law. It's a mandate. Law are passes through Congress and then signed into law, if passes by the house and Senate, by the president. This Mandate is unconstitutional anyway. Period.

  • A mandate is not binding. The Republicans know that. Will they do something? I doubt it. 

    • After all, republicans ARE famous for always snatching DEFEAT from the jaws of VICTORY every DAMN time!!!


    • Did it ever dawn on you that their goals are different than their base and what we see as defeat is in fact the furtherance of their power and a continuation of the status quo... in a system, they helped create?  The GOP is now officially part of the problem... not much difference, regarding the outcome.... The public gets screwed.

  • There is no authority---the new motto in Texas is "Lets go Brandon"

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