
    • Pete, I understand!!!!!  My wife works at a ranch and wild hogs reek havoc on the farm land but they still aren't as destructive as the political ruling class!!!!!!!!!!


    • Even pigs protect their own, it's not so with democrats, to them our country is just a money making machine!

    • 🤣🤣🤣

  • These people are traitors and the enemy of the people. It is so obvious

  • Heels up whore also tests negative for intelligence!!!!!!!!!!

  • If it was Don Jr. they wouldn't shut up about it

    • John, you are correct, they smear ALL of the Trump family with lies and ignore the antics of the biden crime cartel !!!!!!!!!!


  • NOW?????  All she has ever done is "ciecle back" when she didn't like the question!!!!!  Typical devildemocommiecrat!!!!!!!!!!

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