As Shakespeare famously wrote in Henry VI Part II: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

Even for me as a lawyer, it’s hard not to sympathize with that sentiment. Lawyers are a drag. But in reflective moments, I’m more partial to Sir Thomas More’s line from Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons: “And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s!”

The evenhanded application of the law is a principle that must be defended. Everywhere, balance and perspective are under attack. Whatever the costs of America’s process-heavy adversarial contests, that feature of our polity is a key bulwark of liberty. Due process is not something to be trifled with, deconstructed, or thrown away based on the passions of the political moment.

Yet that is happening, right now. The Left has set the lines of battle: Any lawyers who worked for President Trump with verve and ingenuity, along with any lawyers he retained to mount his various 2020 election contests, must be crushed, must have their noses rubbed into the dirt, must if possible lose their jobs and even their right to practice law. It’s not right, just as it would not have been right to demonize the lawyers who mounted Al Gore’s challenges to the 2000 presidential election in Florida.

On the Left, the constant rallying cry is “Remember January 6!” It’s like a woke version of “Remember the Alamo!”, designed to divide and conquer instead of unite the nation in the spirit of apple-pie American patriotism. For those who know me, I’m a lot more partial to traditional patriotism than to false and cynical attempts by MSNBC and its ilk to use the aberration of January 6 as some kind of Rosetta Stone to American politics. As James O’Keefe has recently brought to light, even Matthew Rosenberg of the New York Times secretly knows I’m right.


Project 65 and Its Despicable Aims

When the Left wants something, you can be sure that limitless streams of money will soon pour forth to fund their destructive crusade. Recently, Axios profiled something significant you might have missed: “Project 65,” a new initiative funded by millions in “dark money” to destroy as many Trump-affiliated lawyers as possible.

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  • LAWYERS are a LOT worse than I had any idea!  Follow the money, here are the facts!


    Total from Lawyers/Law Firms PACs to candidates, 2021-2022


    To Democrats


    To Republicans


    Number of PACs

  • We have been trying to get this illegal election overturned but their cospiracy of lawyers, judges and media have thwarted every legal move.  I have been posting every single day on every site that I can that the law was broken to even allow ballots to be presented after the election day mandate of midnight had passed.  Foster v. Love , 522U.S. 67-71-72 (1997) is the exact law that you may pull up as I did.  This law takes the term 'ELECTION DAY' as set forth in the Constitution which sets forth the term election shall be on the same throughout the United States.  'ELECTION Day is one day set on the first Tuesday of November after the first Monday of November.  "The voters vote. The officials count. these combined actions form "the election" and the election must be decided on that day."  It goes on to say "States that failed to make a final selection of the officeholder by midnight after election day, havee statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent."  Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a "prima facie" sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States --in failing to obey Congressional deadlines --have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are VOID!  This was affirmed by The United States Supreme Court in   (Foster v. Love)-  522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997) in a 9 to 0 decision.  That is the law and it has never been changed.  It is in the Constitution which is referred to as "the law of the land".  The DemoCorruptionists have broken this law because the law says PRESIDENT TRUMP WON THE ELECTION.  He was ahead  with an insurmountable lead considering all votes left to be counted, in ARIZONA, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, PENNSYLVANIA, and  GEORGIA at the midnight deadline of ELECTION DAY.  Every bogus Biden Ballot was presented at the 7 corrupt counting centers after 04 :00 A.M. , the next day, November 4th, and are void.  We have got to get together and make sure that this law is enforced.  They did this in 2018 the same way which is why all of the Republicans in California and Texas that won at midnight were defeated the next morning with fraudulent ballots.

    • Sadly, the gop establishment, which is about 95% of those in office, are allied with the devildemocommiecrats in their quest to destroy America and turn it into a puppet state of the new world order global dictatorship!!!!!!!!!!


  • This can only happen if, We the People", let it happen.  All true patriots need to be heard.  The Dems must become aware that what they are doing will cost them plenty.  They do not want to push true American Patriots to the point where we repeat Lexington and Concord.

  • I say destroy all democrats and make the word democrat go down in history as a pandemic or plague because that is what it is It is a disease of the mind pur Evil just look at what they believe if you don't think I'm right They believe it's ok to murder babies after they are born and before If you don't see this as the most Evil of acts then you have a deseased mind They hate their own country and it's founders the greatest country on earth Satan lives  and thrives within the democrat party

    • Richard, you are correct!!!!!!!!!!


  • "DESTROY TRUMP LAWYERS?" How about war in the streets of America ?OR  The guns of the right against the guns of the left  shooting it out in the streets of America ?  Keep pushing and poking at those you don,t agree with , keep messing with the true Patriots of America and history just might repete itself.

    "LIVE AND LET LIVE"   If YOUR SMART !    Destroy Trump lawyers ? What a bunch of chicken  shit ,ass holes the "left "has become .

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