no greater friend does a criminal have Than a democrat - GruberHans | Meme  Generator

Portland's police chief branded the woke-but-crime-ravaged city's 54 shootings over a 19 hour period 'stunning' and attacked calls to to defund his department.  

‘The ongoing tragedy of gun violence is on my mind tonight after a terrible weekend of violence in our city. A double murder this weekend. Nineteen shootings in 54 hours. Stunning,’ Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell tweeted on Monday night.

Officers are investigating 19 shootings that took place between early Friday morning and Sunday evening, which resulted in four arrests and numerous injuries. 

Two of those shootings were fatal - with the man and woman killed downtown Sunday recorded as the 71st and 72nd homicides in the Oregon city in 2021. That breaks its all-time previous record of 70 murders for the entire year of 1987.  

Police recovered 95 cartridge casing and multiple guns throughout the weekend of violence, which ended when a man living in a homeless hotel allegedly shot two dead while high on meth following the city’s decriminalization of all drugs. 

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    • BULLSTUFF.  

  • Do uyou think the people of Portland will ever wake up?  Anyone with 1 brain cell can determine that this violence can be laid directly at the feet of the de"mock"rats in office.

  • Portland is a place for he terminally insane.  I can't believe sane people are staying in Portland.

  • Portland's Ambulance and Fire Department Personnel now personally purchase their own Bullet Proof Vest and Hard Hats. This past week an Ambulance Responder was "Stabbed" while performing his job. The District Attorney refused to Prosecute. The "New Meth" Biden is allowing to cross Our Border with His Blessings, now only takes less than Two Weeks of use to reach Psychosis, where previously the Psychosis Stage did not begin until Six Months to One Year of Continuous Usage. Drug Deaths are up 500-900 fold due to Fentenol brought up from Mexico. The Downtown and Residential Streets and Parks are lined with row upon row of "Homeless Tents", ironically all within " Non Minority, Non Illegal!" Yet those who roam the streets in the dark an now daylight creating destruction, rape and mayhem are, and drive away in vehicles to wood, brick and morter heated/illuminated buildings. These Rats do not live in the Dumps they Ravage.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Well, the people of Portland obviously see nothing wrong with how the city is run, otherwise they would elect patriot conservatives to run their city.  You get what you voted for.  Also don't forget to thank George Soros for putting the judges and district attorneys in place to make sure no punishment is given out to the Antifa and BLM folks that create the mayhem.

  • It needs to be understood that the incompetents get into office in places like Portland, NYC, Kalifornia and the like has nothing really to do with politics. Many of the voters never read a paper or watch a news show. All to many are simply interested in their selfish selves, the handouts they get. Who gives them the most gets their vote and they don't care if the person is a Marxist or a Bernie Sanders socialist. PERIOD!

    Those voters live in the welfare arena and take advantage of the system. Most are uneducated and raise their children without the fathers being present. Sort of difficult when they do not know who the fathers are of their two, three, four or more kids. Their mentality is 'let the state pay the bills' and they don't give a hoot that the money they get is not from the state but from the taxpayers. And now the democraps are inviting more to come across the border to join the welfare horde draining our financial system. Road, bridges and structure repair funds no longer go to those needed projects but into the hands of so many parisites. THIS HAS TO STOP!

    • Once they're in the system it's hard to get them to get off thei4pr behinds and work!

  • Guns don't kill; defunding the police do. If you want to eliminate any race, give them a poor education, infuse their areas with drugs and guns, defund the police and give them decades of Democratic elected officials to rule over them.  

  • All normal people leave Portland for a long weekend...hand out more free meth and free guns and the mostly dead, blm and antifa will kill themselves off and there will be no more problems.  Easy peasy lemon squeesy. 


    • Just cut off the welfare link and only give to those who cannot support themselves due to disability. I am sick and tired of girls having numerouis babies fathered by someone they do not know (or do know but refuse to give his name to social servicies) and pass the bill onto the working taxpayers.

      My first job out of college was with the Dept of Welfare (that was what it was called then) and how many girls came in for benefits and claimed they did not know the father. We knew they were lying but could not prove it so had to put them on the gravy train.

      How many people know that a person on Medicaid is covered with more benefits than a person on Medicare. And they pay not a penny for anything, not even a monthly fee as do those on Medicare.

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