

    We are so screwed! 


  • the gop establishment won't do anything to hurt their devildemocommiecrat allies!!!!!!!!!!  IF they investigate nothing will come from it just like every other "investigation" they have done for the last 50m years!!!!!!!!!!



    Biden  and  Pelosi   have  1  thing  in  common... they  are  both  theives... as  is  the  rest  of  these  Dems  that  are    taking  care  of  Iran,  Russia,  China,  venzulela... these   Dems  do  not  work  for  this  country...   except  to  destroy  it....

  • The writting on the wall has been interpreted for her. It is called devolution.

  • Nancy is high on her own supply of wine from her vineyard.

  • The whole devilcrat  party is insane not to mention RINOS in the Republican party  too.

  • She has totally lost her mind

  • Both of them are a treat to "We The Peopls" rights . A pair of un-American bastards. 

    • What Theodore meant was threat!!!!!


    • AMEN!

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