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  • You won't see anything happen because rinos like romney will block it. His hate for for Trump out weighs any consideration of the countries need for justice.

  • This should not surprise anyone who had been watching the machinations of the Obama administration and their ruthless wielding of political power. Their pretended respect for the Constitution and rule of law was merely a cover their real disdain for our founding principles and use of the clandestine and powerful CIA and FBI apparatus in furtherance of their Marxist socialist political agenda. If our justice system cannot or will not expose the entire sordid story of this failed deep state coup attempt, we should all be concerned about the future of our constitutional republic. Vote in November to ensure that this does not happen.

  • I wonder if all of these traitors could be sued for Non Performance of their REAL jobs, since all they apparently did, was run an illegal spying and set-up on Trump and his campaign. 

    They seem to owe WE the People back pay for 3 years.

    • Jea9... Even if they could be sued the judiciary is so corrupted that there would be no settlement substantial enough to correct the problems... The Public has kicked the CAN on reform down the street one time too many, and it is highly doubtful that we can correct the problems without serious violence and upheaval in our institutions of government.  Civil War may well result from the coming elections... as they will most certainly be corrupted by voter an election fraud... and that will set off an already angry population.

      The consent to be governed is no longer there... it is currently being masked by the public's hope that this PResident will act rightly and forthrightly to drain the swamp... that did not happen and is not happening... So, we find the public kicking the can down the proverbial street one more time... hoping that Pres. Trump is reelected and will actually do as promised several times... drain the swamp and bring justice back to the Halls of Government.

    • Part of me thinks a civil war is necessary. We have lost so much of our constitutional rights it is unbelievable. Guilty until proven innocent and even then, guilty more and guilty still. There is no end. They have no boundaries, no stopping point, it is like being surrounded by packs of wolves. Imagine how Trump feels with day after day, more attacks, like hyenas. Depraved. We need options for citizens to take things back over, imho. And I have no hope of that actually happening, or how it could happen. But even the R's are so used to us not complaining, not showing up, not getting LOUD like the BLM'ers do.

    • The voice of the people is muted for the lack of effective and vociferous leadership...  The people generally are muted and must be organized and inspired too take upon them the tasks necessary to reform government.  Most people are preoccupied with local problems and life in general.  It takes funding, organization and leadership that is capable of inspiring action on the part of the people... action sufficient to muster millions to the cause of liberty.  Pres. Trump has that capacity if he will use it...  so far, he had not called on millions to march on DC and every Capitol in the USA demanding TERM LIMITS, one term 6 yrs for all elected and appointed officials including judges... with 1/3rd standing for election and appointments every 2yrs.  

      Term limits will go a long way to draining the swamp without the need to prosecute... albeit term limits should not replace justice and criminal conduct needs to be punished.  Term limits will remove the bad elements in government, take much of the power vested in political parties and return it to the people.  It will greatly reduce the influence of lobbyists and big donors. It will remove the bad judges at least every 6yrs and go a long way to correct our fiscal and social governance problems.... once, citizen politicians are running the government.

    • Term limits are necessary but when the people vote in those with communist ties and sympathies, those term limits make no difference at all. If AOC had term limits, then the next AOC arrises. The people are ignorant because biblical world view is not being taught, either at home, at school, or in church. I heard/read yesterday, that of young people today, only 1% have a biblical world view. That is the thread we are hanging by.


    • We absolutely do need term limits very, very badly.

    • Yes, and Pres. Trump could call for millions to march on DC and the Capitols of the various States to demand a term limits amendment... don't hear such a call.  In Fact,  I don't hear any calls for massive citizen actions to support specific issues ... except for on the LEFT.  The Marxists are real good about messaging and organizing small groups to appear large ... loud and insistent... too get their legislation and laws passed.  Where are similar acts by the GOP or the President? 

      The President can act independently organize and fund direct efforts at draining the swamp or passing programs... or legislation outlawing government-funded abortions, returning America's families, and marriage to their historic definitions, term limits, Justice reforms, etc., etc.  However, I don't see that happening.  Why not

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