
New evidence allegedly shows that more than 10,300 Georgia voters may have cast their ballots illegally during the 2020 election.

“I have little doubt that the total number will eventually meet and then exceed President Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia,” Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc., said. “The number continues to increase every day as more and more people update their registrations.”

“I heard members of the Secretary of State’s team admit some voters were cast with residency issue, but then claimed there weren’t enough of them to cast the outcome of the election in doubt,” Davis said. “It was disconcerting to see the media and the courts largely ignore serious issues like these, especially since the data I was seeing showed very legitimate issues. Jake Evans, the only lawyer in Georgia history to successfully overturn two elections in the same race, says he believes the issues in Georgia were systemic, and Davis agreed.

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    • Got to call out the elephant in the room Skep..DO YOUR HOMEWORK!


    • My elephant agrees with what I shared with Glenn, even though he may not be"kosher" with other subjects.

      The Elephant in the Room | Leader's Edge Magazine

    • I'll give ya two shekels for that one ;-)

    • Shekel Greene? LOL

      Lookit Pamela, I am being direct with you this way, because I know that zealots of the JDL and the Southern Poverty Law Center  are employed and on the Internet lookout for conservative

      organizations to assault, claiming racism (in whatever form they want), to demand WOKE conformance of content or closure using legal vultures (you know the kind I mean).

      Conservative forums are not plentiful as they used to be (for obvious reasons), and I am not interested in seeing this one attacked. Hopefully the Moderators will forgive me the intrusion.

      But I feel I must take the risk.

    • Bye the Bye, that illustration is an update of Rembrandts tale used to illustrate drawing and painting as a visual language.

      The story has a group of blindmen groping foreward and coming upon a docile elephant. Each one described a feature to the others that was specifically true, but did not encompass a comprehensive knowledge of the beast. I just thought I'd share.

  • If we do not overturn the 2020 STOLEN ELECTION. We are done for, I am afrad.

  • The truth will be allowed when hell freezes over. 

  • This should have been done and in fact all voting should have been stopped when they stopped the count but secretly kept counting. I and many others saw the votes (thousands) get deducted from Trump and given to BIDEN. 

    • Yes, it was Very Clear what transpired & Trump truly Won the Election! However it does show how corrupt the Commies are in the Dem/Socialist Deep State Party! They are Bent on Destroying the Dollar & making everyone-Citizens or Illegals dependent on Your Tax Dollars! That's how Communism works! It FAILED in every country that tried it but these Maggots think while on FENTANYL that they can make it succed! 

    • "They are Bent on Destroying the Dollar & making everyone-Citizens or Illegals dependent on Your Tax Dollars!"

      I suspect the digital currency and Social Credit Score tracking scheme, is the goal for replacement of the collapsed fiat currency economy.

      check it out if you have not:


      and more importantly the flowchart of how it works:


      Can you say YIKES!

      Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task…
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