
  • I truly think they are using this plandemic to keep us from voting in  person at the presidential election. 

    If not, why the push for mail in voting?  Why the  consternation because the NM SCOTUS defeated that measure

    in NM?  

    What better way to harvest ballots then by forcing the entire country to vote by mail?

    • Debra, that's an interesting observation. They're pushing for it. Now, since this virus get killed by the sun and the heat, our chance could be that contamination progression just before (summer time and october) could be down enough to make the argument against that. I hope that Trump will follow his gut. Democracts want this country to fail.

    • I don't think the virus will die because the people are not changing that's tells you something.


    • We must not permit voting by mail to become a primary system of voting unless we require every ballot to have  Notary Public verify that the individual assigned the ballot by mail is the same as the one completing it and placing it in the mail... motor voter registration and voting by mail will be the final straw in completely destroying our ability to keep massive fraud from overturning the publics consent to be governed... Revolution will be the only way back... even under the current corrupted and marginal system of elections in our nation we see serious fraud and elections being stolen by fraudulent elections... voter fraud.

  • Wake up folk's! Why would anyone get tested when it makes no difference what so ever to the outcome of this virus? If you have the virus but show no signs of illness, the test will only be used for propaganda reasons and to bring about laws for social control! If you test positive, you will be put in a control group for manipulation later, once new laws are passed to allow them to do so. The virus is a real thing but the handling of it is a total scam! If it is a threat to you, you will soon find out without any testing. This is another 'Red Flag' event for political gain and global domination! (Think; 9/11, school shootings, the Murray building bombing, etc.) These and other headline grabbing events were orchestrated by the government to bring the public's opinion to the need for new laws, and to start a war for financial gain of money lender's!

    This is a huge push, by Gates and his cohort's like Fauci, to come up with a vaccine the public will beg for that will have hidden disabling ingredients to cause non-reproduction in humans and mental weaknesses in those who receive it. Trials for this type of vaccine have been done in third world countries that have caused sterility and death in hundreds of thousands of goung people. Like abortion, vaccines can be used for population control. This has been Bill Gates' and Soros' mind set for many years now and they have the wealth to push it on dupe's such as Fauci! 

    Find a greedy narcissist and you will have full power over them to do your bidding! This is what has happened in our government official's and health system around the globe.

    God said, in the beginning: "Go forth and fill the earth!" THINK! Who would want to challenge God on this subject and strive for the opposite?

    • Hey! Ken right on the spot my friend


    • Ken, it's true, states with the most severe measures (against freedom) are the states with the worst results. I believe more in what Sweden did. No need for lock down. No need for tracing everyone. If someone went to the grocery store just before getting sick, how will they trace all the people who went there that day and the day before? Completely useless. Now doctors must know something I don't. 

  • After Cuomo's press conference yesterday everything should be opened up. If you have not seen it it is on CNBC along with a chart showing who was getting the new cases of the virus. 66% were from those who stayed at home. the homeless were 2%. The 66% included people not working, not traveling, predominately downstate, minority, older, non-essential emplotees and AT HOME. WHAT MORE DO WE NEED TO KNOW.

  • Are they implying that they are going to isolate  perons  who have had  covid 19 infections  and recovered ? Are they unconscioulsy or worse yet consciously trying to  stop herd immunity?

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