
  • We are no longer a free  People... The GOP has failed to step up to defend our Constitution and their base... It appears that the RNC's version of resistance is to turn up the heat on the fire slow enough to boil us alive.

    When the Marxists running our law enforcement agencies abuse our neighbors... they do it unto us all  The incarcerated individuals in the DC Jail are being wrongfully imprisoned and seriously abused.   Do we know if any have died at the hands of their jailers? America is supposed to be a free society, with laws that protect citizens from government abuse.  The law is to be the servant of the people not a whipping post for tyrants.  

    Where are the righteous judges and attorneys... Do they exist today? The terrorists are armed with the official badges of government authority, they have completely failed in their duty to defend the Constitution against the enemy in their RANKS. These once proud law enforcement officials have sold the Nation's birthright for a bowl of porridge, preferring to serve Mamon and their bellies, more than the God of righteousness and our nation's heritage.  These once honorable men and women should be walking off the job by the tens of thousands. Instead, they regularly doone their body armor in preparation to raid our neighbor's homes... confiscating their copies of the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution as if they were subversive materials.  

    As far as I am concerned Steve Bannon is making too many excuses for the GOP/RNC inaction ... The GOP/RNC are as responsible for, or possibly more at fault, for where we are today than the Marxists.  We expect the Marxists to conduct themselves as terrorists and to ignore our founding documents and precepts, what we didn't expect was for the RNC/GOP to stand by and watch them torture our neighbors and children; while, casually telling us all to be patient. The GOP/RNC are disgusting excuses for leaders. 

    America lacks capable individuals in government... that have the intestinal fortitude and drive to take on the TREASON and Sedition passing as government. The time for bipartisanship is over... long past due... there are now only enemies of the Constitution and those who support it. For evil to prosper good men need do nothing.

    • According to your way of thinking, one man (Trump) all by himself, should be able to upset the RNC's applecart??  Guess my thought is "why" aren't all of US melting our US representatives' phone lines, or crashing their computers, with our rightful demands for them to act on "home rule", freeing the Jan. 6 political prisoners and letting the 19 rino idiots who voted "yes" on the democommies' "build back broke bill" is going to get every single one of them "replaced" in the next election cyclle?  Don't you think they would sit up and pay attention if we made enough noise?  By the way, one of my Senators is "Linda" Graham of SC and I WANT HIM GONE!! Gitchy mitch, of KY is another one that needs to get the heave ho.

    • Ok Lopez-You need to take an English writing course, if nothing else!  "Bristol" is a proper noun - -a name, if you will; I would guess you meant "bristle", as in getting my hackles up! You succeeded in doing that; I have no idea how "old, or young" you are, nor do I give a damn.  At 84 years of age, naivety and ridiculousness left my thought processes decades ago! As for making our voices known to our representatives in DC, by phone, or computer - -have you ever tried it?  If you haven't, then don't knock it. As for your comment about being "played for the fool you are", perhaps you should stand in front of your bathroom mirror and ask the same question. Dreaming costs -0-, nothing and I only do that when I sleep.  If you want to "lecture" someone, go rent a classroom; just so you know, I am NOT your "dear lady"!

    • You still need an English writing course, but even that would not improve your personality, or your attitude.  Your narcissistic ego goads you into insulting and demeaning people, so have at it. This "cranky, old bitch" is telling you to take your ego and attitude, fold it and stick it - - -in your broom closet!

    • You are entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine; your personality, attitude and ego are an issue.  As to any response to you, I owe you nothing - -factual, concrere, OR "idiotic",  So you can add your demands (??) to your personality, attitude and ego "problems" and store them in the same broom closet

    • It's not just someone who understands power ... it has to be someone who has power AND THE FUNDING TO EXERCISE IT ON A GRAND SCALE... nothing is free and liberty is expensive.  The reason you or I have no real impact is that we lack visibility and effective power. Government agency has the force of arms behind it.  Coercive power is able to bend the Public will of others to the needs of those with real power. 

      George Washington once said: "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."  Rouge power is the product of corrupt government and the power needed to respond to such abuse is often just as violent and unbending.

    • Thank you for speaking out!  I wish we had millions just like you! 

  • (imho) they are all;




    conscripted and complicit

  • This country would be hell of a lot better off, if other congresspeople would fight and instead of talk.  Very few of the people in DC want changes.  Most are guilty of not doing their job that they were hired to do.  Thank God for Rep Green.   

  • Biden and his minions of Progressive Socialist Politicians have learned well from their teachers including Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

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