
    • Ron, the current bunch of TRAITORS in control of both parties WILL NOT do anything to give up the control they have seized!!!!! 


    • I agree, that is why we are likely blowing in the wind...and going nowhere in a hurry.  Our State Governments are proving to be as bad as the Federal Governmetn when it comes to Constitutional Government. The states are proving to be the minor leagues for the pros in DC... a training and testing grounds for screening men and women capable of living with political cprruption.

      The People have likely lost all hope of recovering Constitutional Government and worse... civil war may end up destroying our children's and grandchildren's dreams for a secure and prosperous life.

    • Ron, one of the few advantages of being old, I likely won't still be alive when the worst comes but I have great concern for 3 generations behind me, the youngest being 6 years old.  I have 4 kids, 12 grandkids, and 3 great grandkids right now with more likely in the future.  My oldest grandchild has 3 of her own with a 4th on the way.  They will suffer under the oppression that is coming!!!!!


    • "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation..." (Ex 20:5)

      The phrase, "sins of the fathers" appears in Deuteronomy and Exodus, in the books of Numbers and Jeremiah. The phrase is linked to the keeping and teaching of God's commandments and the consequences of a sinful legacy passing down through the generations. The Phrase is meant as a warning, that the examples in life we set for our children are passed down from generation to generation, unto the third generation. The phrase embodies the concept that sin has serious consequences for their children unto the third generation. The children of those who sin often inherit the seeds of sin, thru the sinful nature of their parents and grandparents. Sin carries intergenerational consequences.

      Scripture teaches of the generational consequences of sin:

      “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me” (Exodus 20:5). HATE GOD AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE LIKELY TO HATE GOD.

      “The Lord is long-suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation” (Numbers 14:18). CHILDREN GROW UP IN THE IMAGE OF THEIR FATHERS.

      “You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and doing mercy to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments” (Deuteronomy 5:9-10) CHILDREN TAUGHT TO WORSHIP OR HONOR THE ENEMIES OF GOD ARE UNDER THE CURSE OF THE LAW.

      “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. You show love to thousands but bring the punishment for the parents’ sins into the laps of their children after them. Great and mighty God, whose name is the Lord Almighty” (Jeremiah 32:17-18). AGAIN, THE SINS OF THE FATHER ARE OFTEN INTERGENERATIONAL, BEING TAUGHT BY THE PARENTS TO THE CHILDREN.

      Parents, what legacy are you leaving for your children? Shall they be cursed or blessed? O' father and mother, "do not sin against" your "child." Live a godly life and train up your children in the way they should go and they will not depart therefrom when they are old. Sow seeds of righteousness in your children's lives, that they may choose the path of righteousness in their generation.

      Children, watch what you receive? For, it is the measure by which we learn to choose good over evil in life. What we see and hear from our legacy in life, let it be a Godly life filled with examples of Godly living. God's grace helps break the succession of sin but it takes parents to install the knowledge of God and a vision of righteousness for their children to choose the correct paths in life. The Children must refuse the sins of their fathers and leave a legacy of righteousness for the next generation to follow. Let the Parents be examples of holiness. For blessed are those who keep God's commandments and embrace His salvation thru the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Our Nation has failed miserably to pass on the inheritance of a Godly People to the coming generations... Evil has become the legacy of many in our society and that evil will be visited upon their children unto the third or fourth generation... It takes that long to purge evil from the social order once it has a foothold.

    • The problem is clear. As long as true patriots and real conservatives are not winning elections and running the show, things are being manipulated big time. We all know that. The only solution to this problem is that we take over all levers of powers to ensure that real Americans run America again. I for one am done with fake elections that put communists in charge. If there are elections, we can only accept a decisive win of real Republicans. Everyone knows that real Republicans are the huge but silent majority in the Unites States of America. We don't even need elections since we all know who wins if elections are run fairly anyway.

    • The problems are clear, the solutions are not as clear or simple...   To reform the government and the electoral process, we must win elections.  To win elections Conservatives must be in charge of the election process.  The current government is rigging elections and will not reform the electoral process.  What can the conservative do when criminally denied access to government office?  If the people are faced with rigged elections, there is little hope the election process will produce the public officials needed to properly supervise their elections or return Constitutional Government.

      What then...  Revolution?  Civil War? Violent protests and massive assemblies that demand new government? Perhaps, we have run out of peaceful solutions, now that the Marxists are rapidly consolidating their hold on power.  The Marxist Democrat party has been purging the Judiciary, DOJ, Homeland Security, DOE, Federal Law Enforcement, and the US Military for decades.  They have diligently removed much of the dissident resistance to Communism in government.  America's conservatives are facing massive purges as they race to be first in line for the gulag.  What Trump failed to do with the swamp the Marxists have been doing to the conservatives in government for decades.

    • That's exactly it. Conservatives need to take over the entire election process to make sure that Conservatives always win, since they are the true majority in the United States of America. Controlling the elections and their outcome are the only way we can save our way of life and democracy. Trump knows this today and will take care of this problem in Trump II. No need to worry.

  • He's not the only one.  Let's look at Cheney and Kinzenger and all the de"mock"rats.

    • Martha, most of the gop is compromised.  There are a few good ones but not many!!!!!


  • What scares the hell out of me is that come November of '22 and '24, we Conservatives will be caught in a gigantic..."Uh-oh.." all over again.   I do not want to be caught saying...."well...I was involved when laying on my couch watching Hannity, or Carlson, and yeah...I wrote some comments and such.   It's one thing to be involved from your couch, but another when your involved while on your feet.  What physical involved are you going to be in come time to flip the House and Senate, then come  '24, are we just going to meander down to the polling place and vote, or are we going to work towards being involved in our communities on a daily basis to insure the Conservative and GOP vote.   God forbid that we have a repeat of 2020.   We're all done for if another fraud happens.

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