
Conservative syndicated radio host, Larry Elder, has again taken his talents to the big screen, this time as executive producer and co-writer of Uncle Tom, a documentary feature that is predicted to get controversial reactions because of its title, content, and message. 

      The film, which gets its name from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, unveils what life is like for black conservatives in America – as minorities within a minority group. According to Elder, the movie delivers a sharp look at “the grief that people who are black and conservative get for just saying that they’re not Democrats.”

      Directed by Justin Malone (Undocumented, Hurry Up and Wait, The Bus Stop), Uncle Tom features Elder, former congressman Allen West, 2012 presidential candidate Herman Cain, TV pundit Candace Owens and activist Jesse Lee Patterson.

      “The film really is attacking the way the Uncle Tom term is commonly used to demean people that have rethought their assumptions to the Democratic Party,” says Elder. “You’ve got people like Maxine Waters and the whole Congressional Black Caucus, all essentially saying, ‘Anybody [black] who votes for a Republican is a sell-out.’”

      The movie also includes newsreel footage of prominent A-list figures as John Legend, President Barack Obama, Denzel Washington, Jay-Z, and others. Some of the black conservatives in the film go so far to make their point by wearing the “Uncle Tom” moniker as a badge of honor.

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Here are a few Teasers from the movie:

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  • I would like to go see the movie it look very good.

  • Looks like a positive message for everyone to see.

  • This is great. I hope every American watches it.

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