
  • I hope Miranda divine let's it all out!

  • Since this computer has been in the hands of the government for over a year and nothing has been done. Maybe you should put the information out there to the American people. Americans have a right to know what kind of person is sitting in the chair of the President of the United States. If chaos erupts it will be because it is due. Let the chips fall where they may.

    • Yep, the FBI has sat on Hunter's laptop info for years before we even knew it existed. They've protected the Clintons, Biden's, Obama's, even the Bush's...but, would rather spend their time digging up dirt, any kind of dirt on Trump AND anyone who's not supportive of the globalists. I don't know WHY Trump didn't clean house while he was in office, every branch is corrupt.

    • Everyone has skeletons occupying his or her closet. Even Donald Trump has enough locked away to be effectively extorted.
      That said, whatever DJT couldn't tolerate being used, his transgressions would be child's play compared to the Clintons, Bidens, and Obamas.
      Had POTUS 45 won the election, he'd have pulled out the stops and resigned when the SHTF.

    • I'm sure whatever skeletons Donald Trump has/had in his closet would have been FULLY exposed by now, he's been the MOST investigated, spied on President in our lieftime. And 45 DID win the election, unfortunately FOR NOW, O'Biden stole it. But, he'll be back sooner than you think. And third, Trump is the only one that can stop the sh*t from hitting the fan. FYI

    • I agree

    • Totally agree - this is supposed to be a free and informed society; but it seems the government, and its accomplises the msm, have been covering massive treasonous actions up for years.  They have been "investigating" all the wrong things and people.  Get the information out to the people.


    • Amen

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