Is It Time for Mass Civil Disobedience on Masks?

Image result for mask mandates unconstitutional meme

Whelp, President Joe Biden’s “100 days” of mask-wearing took all of less than a month to extend into basically "wear a mask until 2022." The virus numbers are dropping like a rock, even in the dead of winter, and no solid numbers have shown places with mask-mandates to work any better than those without, but nevertheless, we are told we must keep our air holes covered indefinitely, with no end in sight. And if they are telling us that NOW, at the beginning of 2021, it only goes to show you that my long-held speculation that our overlords want masks literally forever can’t be far from reality.

It seems, tragically, that the monsters who favor somehow reaching so-called “zero-COVID” have managed to obtain a stranglehold on all levers of power, not just in the U.S., but the entire world. I’ve got to grudgingly give it to them - it’s a brilliant strategy. Since “zero-COVID” is an impossible goal to reach, the struggle to obtain it via tyrannical measures can never possibly end. Even in New Zealand, where COVID has seemingly been eliminated, a single case can trigger fresh new rounds of lockdowns. Indeed, for the power-hungry, the COVID-19 pandemic has truly been a dream come true.

So, how DO we get things back to normal, in a time when seemingly little is going our way? It’s easy to ask, “What can I do?” when faced with something that seems so much bigger than ourselves, and often the answer is sadly, “very little.” I’ve certainly written before about opposing corona-fascism in our local communities, but here I’d like to focus on a single step that most individuals can take themselves, right now, and make a measurable difference.

That step is very simple:

Make a personal choice to defy mask-mandates in your area.

This decision is easy for some, more difficult for others, even impossible for more, but I implore you to at least consider it. Some of us have been doing this the whole time and have zero problem walking barefaced into a store like we own the place. Others have chosen to at least to some degree submit for a variety of reasons that likely include fear of conflict, reluctance to disobey authority, and social pressure. It’s understandable. I know many people like this who know all the correct information, yet still choose to conform because it’s the ‘easy’ thing to do right now. Still, here’s my obvious question to those who know the truth yet continue to obey: How long do you intend to submit to this insanity? All of this year and the next? The rest of your life? Will there be a point where you say, “Enough!” If so, when will that point be?

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  • The only reason I wear the damn thing is that in my state, the state health department is fining and closing down businesses for not enforcing the mask mandate.

    Last week my wife and I went to the local laundromat to wash some oversize quilts.  The place doesn't have an attendant but there was a sign up that OSHA is threatening to close them down because they were not enforcing the mandate.  This is a small family-owned business and will not do anything to jeopardize their livelihood.

    The use of osha and health depts is a really quite brilliant strategy by the communist control freaks.  People like me would be more inclined to ignore the shit if it were only us that would get in trouble but we don't want our actions to harm others.  Our going along with the crap makes it look like more people are supporting the stupidity.

    I have started shaming people for wearing a mask when there is no logical reason to.  I figure that people are trying to shame those of us that disagree with the mandate, I would do the same to them.

    • Herbert and everyone else, consider framing state crime foisted upon citizens through innocent businesses as a property theft.

      Ask the owners hopefully in front of others," How long is the Governor going to run your store?"


      "When do you figure you get to own it again?" (that will rankle a proud owner)

      If you get a curious look or prompted to explain, then you really get to take it to the hoop,

      "Look, they are really after my civil liberties, but go through you with this hoax."(they draft the owner as a state medical enforcer)

      If you hear concerns about a pandemic, blow off case number quotes...."A less than 1% actual fatality rate is as dangerous as the common cold." 

      If you hear denial or regret.... "Sure you are allowed to operate the shop to service customers and pay taxes, but the state runs it. The moment you do different, the health dept. thugs will come and threaten to: fine you, shut you down, or pull your license, right?" (now he feels stupid and angry)

      Then may come the protest, 'What am I supposed to do?'...... "Stop assuming government is helpful; it is abusing you. Network through the local chamber and/or seek group legal remedy. Get politically active in removing despot local and state appointees and office holders. They are screwing you."

      Regarding a governors (or mayors) abuse, my favorite advise that goes for the elected throat, is to check state recall laws. If possible, then gather/print nesessary petition materials in the store preferably somewhere on the counter, and make a roadside readable sign on the storefront:



      ASK ME HOW !

      Do this seriously. When people ask, owners should help them, so they can help the owner.

      Think and act like an agitator. It is being done all over us in government abuse.

    • skeptical, very good plan, put the stigma right back on them!!!!!

    • I hope it will remove the excuse of helplessness, and encourage participation.

      Consumers might feel unempowered, but owners who see the state working to 

      kill their hard earned livelihood, should get inspired and motivated quickly.

  • In Ohio, masks are legally defined (law) as a medical device, which means it is a health issue protected by federal HIPPA laws. We also have the right to refuse as a freedom of religion right. 

    For Kroger in my area to continually announce that those who have "medical" issues and should use order and pick-up options, denies me "free and equal access" to my food choices, thus it also violates ADA federal laws.

    Masks violate my right to life by dismissing my right to breathe,  which is still defined as both  inhaling and exhaling.

    On top of the lies that are layered with nonsense, but serve the demonic underbelly of servitude to evil, is this bit of stupid---the same minds that scream about the carbon dioxide killing the planet, are willfully breathing their own toxic waste right on and up their sinus cavitities, with their CO2 crossing their blood/brain barrier, (one of the important protections we have in our body)--- and the CO2 goes right on up into the brain, where, over time, brain cells are killed. 

    And they do not regenerate. I have never heard of a "law", that requires us to commit a slow suicide. None of this masking bs is lawful.

    And none if this even touches on the sheer idiocy of touching things in a store that everyone else has touched, from carts, to avocados, bananas, onions, and all the other items I pick up and test for ripeness and lack of bruising. And that's just food. It applies in other stores as well, whether a package or on a hanger.


      This is a legal notice of my religious immunity for a mandatory face
      mask/covering policy/mandate attempting to be imposed upon me at
      your place of public accommodation.
      Per Title II of H.R. 7152, aka the Civil Rights Act of 1964, passed on Tuesday, the seventh day of
      January, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four:
      “Sec. 202. All persons shall be entitled to be free, at any establishment or place, from
      discrimination or segregation of any kind on the ground of race, color, religion, or
      national origin, if such discrimination or segregation is or purports to be required by any
      law, statute, ordinance, regulation, rule, or order of a State or any agency or political
      subdivision thereof.
      Sec. 203. No person shall (a) withhold, deny or attempt to withhold or deny, or deprive or
      attempt to deprive, any person of any right or privilege secured by section 201 or 202, or
      (b) intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any
      person with the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by section 201
      or 202, or (c) punish or attempt to punish any person for exercising or attempting to
      exercise any right or privilege secured by section 201 or 202.”
      Incident Report: Religious Discrimination
      Location: _________________________________________________________________________________
      Date & Time: _____________________________________________________________________________
      Name of Discriminator(s): ___________________________________________________________________
      Name of person(s) Discriminated Against: ______________________________________________________
      Witness(es): ______________________________________________________________________________
      Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________
      Report religious discrimination by submitting your complaint to the Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice in writing
      via Online: |
      Mailing: 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530 | Fax: 202-307-1379

      Your message to the Department of Justice
    • OOOOOOOH! Pretty! I like it!

      But countered with a denial of acess or service due to government guidelines addressing a public health emergency, I am not sure of the outcome.

      This might be a way for court challenge.

    • YOU ROCK!!

      I am printing this out! I have a medical ecemption. But this is even better. You should know, though, that I was "suspended, resigned / retired (forced) / terminated for "masking and distancing violations, even with an official medical exemption. This from a public college, after anonymous student complaints about "masking and distancing." And in a classroom with no other options, 6' was not possible.

      So congress can speak without a mask, and so can Pastors, but not a college Professor  who is lecturing and demonstrating for 3 three-hour classes 3 times a day?......

      Tenure did not protect me and the Faculty Handbook must have been approved by faculty service dogs....afraid of their master.

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