
    • That may be the goal, crash the dollar?


    • Right again. I will vote for Trump but he has not turned out to be the Christian Conservative I hoped for. He fell below the bar. LGBTQ rights, abortion on demand, DACA amnesty, no law and order, no one in jail and our rights striped away over fake Corona statestics. Still hoping he gets rid of Kushner and his daughter Ivanka as advisors. He just demoted his advisor and hired a status quo Republican advisor. Not good at all. 

      Question for you. Why have you not signed my petition and supported it?   It represents everything you talk about.

    • I'm very thankful that Donald Trump is our president at this time in history! There really is nobody else out there like him.

      Let's remember that he is a businessman and a negotiator, not a soldier! However, he is the commander in chief and I don't think there's anybody around him that's giving him good and honest advice on how to be the commander in chief, especially when so many top echelon military at the Pentagon are siding with the liberals and are pantywaists!  It's up to us, those that voted him in and support him, to let him know often what we want him to do and that we support him and doing some thing that's going to be very difficult. Yes we need to take back our country and our government before it's too late and hopefully it's not too late already!‼️‼️‼️. 
      God help us 🛐🙏✝️❗️

    • There is a scene in the movie Paton... where the General slaps a shell shocked soldier who is crying and cowering in the hospital. Paton was severely criticized for that slap; however, it was needed... as an attempt to bring that soldier out of his shell shocked state and to return to duty. 

      Well, our President may need a little encouragement and support to regain his bearings and return to the battle...  the fight he has yet to win... the fight against insurrection in the Deep State.  We may not have a tomorrow or next year to reform government if the President doesn't act decisively while he has the power to do so.

    • Typo  "Patton not Paton"

    • Isn't there some question as to was/is repsonsible for Patton's death?

    • Patton was great! 

    • May I say, I get that? My father-in-law, while serving in World War II, warring with this company from Normandie all the way to Germany, faced the enemy at a time when they were pretty sure they would not win the battle. Some of the men began to get up and walk away, would be deserters. My father-in-law turned his gun on them and commanded them to stay where they are or he would shoot them where they stand! Someone in his company reported that he did that up the line. He was awarded the Silverstar for that. He had two silver stars. I don't know what the other one was for. He had other beautiful metals as well. He turned down a Purple Heart because he said some of his men died in his arms others lost limbs eyes and worse. He said his wound wasn't serious enough to receive a Purple Heart. He was an amazing man. Now that he's gone I know more about him than I did when he was with us. I have learned much about him to hold him in high esteem. I know we need people like that today who would be willing to do any terrible difficult thing to save our country. I just wonder where they are and why they're not standing up. Someone, I don't know who, should be directing and leading people on what they can do to stand up and be heard and be visible. And being visible is really the important part. Look at antifa and BLM as horrible as they are! Are they not visible and showing up on the news every single day? We all could take a lesson from them, although I certainly don't want any of us to become communist like them. But use their own techniques to put them out of business!

    • I like the Don and voted for him despite everyone telling me that he will lose. However, he is behaving like Neville Chamberlane by compromising with the Dems and McConnoll. He was supposed to be the guy that has no fear and drain the swamp. If he just showed a back bone by calling in the military and deputizing all of his supporters, we would end this now. He could have all of them rounded up and tried as terrorists for aiding abetting sedition, treason and terrorism. It would be over and there would be nothing they could do. Instead he is appeasing the mob and wrong doers and allowing our rights to be weakened by seditionists. He is unwilling to put his life and sacred honor on the line for what is just. This unlawful and seditious behaviour has to end and not part has the will power to end it. That's why we elected Trump. He was supposed to end it for us.

    • More criticism of President Trump......sad!!!

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