
  • Not even my doctor can get me to take it. 

    I love America.  But I hate the government!!

    • AMEN  to that  !

    • Neither can mine. I told him that inner voice is telling me not to do it and that whenever I don't listen to that voice...something bad happens to me. I am sure it's the Holy Spirit speaking to me and I intend to heed the warning! My duaghter was forced to take it..Pfizer one but she's currently on a job assignment in socialist Canada so she didn't have a choice..but then she is also believing all the BS about the "virus" and vax, even though I have sent her all sorts of info. She asked me to stop sending it. My son does not want to take the jab either and has been resisting the VAs attempts. I hope they do not withhold his needed care because of it.So I have placed all of this in God's hands and will trust in Him, never the current commie/fascist USA government.

  • Its no buddies business but my own. Also I'm putting a NO TRESPASSING on my property.

    • Got.mine.

  • It is experimental and no guarentees. Dont know what the after effects are.

    Each person has his own choice.

  • Door to Door... History Repeats its self: As Famous German Guy in the late 1930's to mid 40's called for the same action from the people and established the exact same type of team! In fact the Team had a phrase: "Fur Ihre Sicherheit" translation: "It's For Your Safety" and we all know how that turned out for 6 million Jews and 9 million Polish people!
    • "For your safety", huh? Makes sense to me. I like the way Steven Spielberg starts off 'Schindlers List', by showing how the detailed lists of Jews were compiled. Jewish folks waddled up to census tables on a census day and freely blabbed themselves into the gas chambers. The Nazis had the victims go to them.

      The same approach was used for a personal firearms ban. Folks were told to register for public safety. Then shortly after the arms were registered, owners simultaneously were told to submit them, also for publc safety.

  • Will someone this HHS Sec that in America government is by the people and for the people a

    n government doesn't control our life we are a free nation 

    • Our constitutional rights have been taken away bit by bit over the last 100 years. Income taxes, the IRS and the Fed are not part of the Constitution and are illegal and an abomination in the eyes of the founding fathers.Democrats are 100% socialist and communist controlled. We need to take action before it's too late and invoke Article V of the Constitution and take away the power from the federal government. Every Tea party member needs to be actively involved in the grassroots Convention of States in all 50 States. Act now, get involved, force the changes we need, before it's too late!

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