
  • It's almost like this guy is telling us that the government bought us a nice dinner and now we have to put out. But its worst than that because at least the date willing went to dinner...

    • The same kind of reasoning was just to justify the Californa helmet law mandate.

      Willie Brown unabashedly argued in a tv interview,  that special head trauma homes for motorcyclist victims  were heavily subsidized by the state. If the state was to underwrite such an expense (because personal funds would be exhausted quickly), then it had a legitimate say in reasonable safety measures.

      Brown completely glossed over the impropiety of assuming government authority for an individuals choice in actions and responsibility for outcomes.

      If an individual chooses to behave recklessly to his sole detriment, then I'd say that individual waives all expectation of public assistance for consequence. Freedom isn't free. Own what you do.

      Instead Brown argued individuals were not allowed bad choice with bad consequences, and the state will determine the individuals actions in vested interest. People become property of the state to be husbanded in this way.

    • I grew up in California and rode a 650 cc Trumph before the authoriatarian clowns passed the helmet law. Now live in Florida where the independent citizens of that state had the short lived helmet law repealed so we can again ride free here. If government continues to subsidize the protection of people from the consequences of their own poor judgement, behavior and decisions there is little hope that freedom can prevail as the good hard working people will be literally enslaved to finance the incompetent and willfully reckless.

    • The Socialist Progressive heavy-handedness is a classic example of government assuming it knows how to live your life better for you, than you, and intends too.

      But I will add that if urgent emergency compelled someone to use an unenclosed vehicle with no protective equipment readily availible, then redress in the courts (thats what it is for) for assistance in case of injury should be considered case by case, and correctly so. But a black and white insistance of required submission to government stewardship, or no benefit of government at all is false.

  • Screw  the Gestapo government!

  • It’s like reliving my past!

    They lined us up in the classroom boys on one side, girls on the other.....we had to drop our pants, bend over the desks so they can give us shots. They vaccinated everyone without our parents knowin until we went home and told them.

    Unless we do’s coming to the USA!

  • Not a Single person has been Vaccinated because it is not a Vaccine. It's Experimental Gene Therapy. They are using people as Lab Rats trying to alter our DNA. What could possably go wrong with that. Big Pharma wants everyone sick and this Gene Therapy will accomplish that.


    • You are correct this is not a vaccine, if it was, those who had it wouldn’t be getting sick from the virus, they would not fear those who have not had it.

      They are pushing it to get rid of all they produced before it expires, and before people wake up to the scam.

      All I can say without even looking at the devastating side affects is, anyone who did get this not get the boosters! Fouci is getting rich along with big pharma, and you are protected from NOTHING, and in danger of losing the proper function of your immunesystem. 

  • Fascist Beccara asserts that it is governnments business to see that Americans can prosper...errr, freely  associate, and knocking on a door has never been against the law.

    State governments imposed the phony fiasco under pretext, refused to self-correct its civil rights abuses, and will not relinquish the absolute power they are drunk with.

    The People are responsible for their self-determined fates, not their elected or appointed servants whose governing ability is by consent of the People.

    This is how despotism self-invites to usurp the authority of the People.

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