
    • isn't that the fact?

  • Jon Vaught a very good man... a God-fearing patriot who stands out in the citadel of the unrighteous... Holly Wood. May his words echo in the hearts and minds of the people... may he have a long and glorious life... God bless Jon Vaught.

    • Amen to that!!

  • Agree, but it won't eliminate the source of the problem: The Administrative State

    • The Administrative State can be eliminated by enforcing the Constitutional limits on Extra-JUDICIAL and Legislative Powers. being assigned to the Administrative State. Let Congress eliminate the assignment of regulatory power to the bureaucracy.  End all the Administrative law and Courts... Return the legal process to the Article 3 Courts and enforcement of the law to the Executive Branch, and no more.  Do not permit the Administrative state (Bureaucracy) to make administrative law (regulations)... and the regulatory process must be limited to Congress PERIOD.

    • Ron, to accomplish that the satanists will have to be removed from office and hanged for TREASON!!!!!  We the Pepople need Godly people in office who will represent us instead of representing their own personal wealth and power and those who now bribe those in office!!!!!!!!!

  • All of them should be in prison 

  • He and the whole cabal need impeached, arrested for sedition and treason and dealt with according to our Constitution since they are enemies of the state and don't forget the RINOS!!!

  • He need to be in jail along with the rest Democrats leaders in Washington 

  • We will have to take them down one at a time but for Christ 6 let's get started

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