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  • Communism at its FINEST, someone needs to blow up gofundme!

  • Destroy Go Fund Me over this horrible theft

  • Those that used a credit card have a right to dispute the charge to GOFUNDME as a fraudulent transaction...  When GOFUNDME diverts the funds to another organization it's fraud... In the dispute, a "charge-back is issued to the cardholder, along with a fee that's charged to the Merchant of around $15.    If everone would do this, it will greatly cripple that organization. 


  • This will not work well for GoFundMe!

  • Truckers should ban together with a class action lawsuit triple the amount this Canadian richboy clown plans to take from them.

    • It's unfortunate the lawyers get most of it

  • It is time to break these liberal companies 

    • Just don't call them communists!

    • What's the difference globalist or communists.....they are both after the same power and money, everything for themselves and nothing for the fact complete control over the people!

      That is precisely what the communist leadership has done every time they gained power, actually no difference from the Nazis either. When they bring the same end result, it makes no difference which of those you call them, the goal is all the same! Just splitting hairs!

    • Tell me the difference between nazism and communism. They both go about claiming power in the same violent manner, they both eliminate all their enemies, anyone who doesn't agree with them, they both want to be worshiped and allow no religion. They both want complete power and control over the the most Intimate parts of human life, in both the leadership has everything  while the people starve, in both the powers decide what you can be, who you are in society, where and how you live, etc.... and you will like it, not speak against it, or they kill you!

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