
  • A quote from Plato. "If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your governmenrt, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." Still true, get involved, part with a few dollars and support the right candidate for God and Country. A small paraphrase, Do you not know the evil one roams the earth seeking who he may destroy? My God said He came to give us life more abundtly.

  • Sure would be nice IF we would have realized this 100 years ago before becoming allies with Stalin. They are in EVERY government entity and all education and NGO's,  AND churches etc... Lord please come and get your people soon.

    This is The antichrist system. White people OR anyone should not be bowing before these satanist. Not just proclaiming they are satanist, study them for yourselves. Marx Lenin Mao Alinsky , The whole crew.

     I pray that the Holy Spirit would fall and open the poeples eyes and they accept salvation in The Lamb , The Lord Jesus Christ,


    We should be praying to cut this short

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