
    • Are you surprised Laurel? People don’t search for themselves, they are lazy, they fall for all sorts of information that they approve of for whatever thei4 reasoning is. We, on the alternative side of medicine have been warning from the start, now we are starting to see healthy people dropping of heart attacks and strokes. More pilots and attendants are dying, we assume it’s brought on by the pressure change.......but people were programmed to believe brilliant Fauchi. This reaction is no surprise to me, I have been warning Americans for 40+ years of what is coming to America.......only to be told I was worried about things that could NEVER happen in America. Well...that didn’t work out so well for us.......did it?

      And so it happens again with the Ukraine situation, and by the time people wake to the truth and see what really is going will be too late. The point is, people dismiss the truth, don’t listen, cannot be convinced, fight you with all their might, they don’t like to hear what you are saying and end up hurting themselves and their country. Human nature!

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    • ......and not a peep anywhere in the news ans if this wasn't even happening!

    • If they should just quit then all was a waste, so they must stay and see this through. 

      On the medical end....we are starting to see unusual numbers of strokes and heart attacks of all ages, even children, over all healthy people never having problems......until they got the shots! Record numbers of funerals. I fear this is the start of the problems we will be seeing the rest of this year, and it is impossible to predict what next year will bring!

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    • No, it's up to leadership to plan, organize and direct the tasks needed to reach a common goal...  Leaders LEAD. 

      Chaos is what occurs when individuals are expected to act arbitrarily, using their own initiative and tactics.  A typical, bureaucratic tactic to avoid the responsibility for achieving a goal is to refuse the duty to lead... its someone else's job, not my pay grade, etc. The bureaucrat seeks anonymity, they frequently look to avoid accountability, especially where difficult tasks are undertaken. 

      Instead of leading the bureaucrat and politician often shifts the duty for leadership onto others... often, those they are to lead.  Leaders ... lead!  They don't follow the crowd and shift the responsibility for the outcome to others.  They don't wet their finger, stick it in the air, determine which way the wind is blowing, and then point in that direction and call that leading. 

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    • Thank you Marlene, that is great, very funny, what is Fauchi to do now........have a book burning?

    • Love that!!

    • All this  warms any patriots heart, how long can th keep this going?

    • Whatever happens.......nothing will be the same after.

  • Truckers find yourselves some good lawyers, this is clearly a 1st amendment issue 

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    • The gulf between the State and the People has become destructive to liberty and our security as a Constitutional Republic... Our founders found such a condition to be insufferable, declaring: " .... whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness)  it is the right of the people to abolish it and to institute new government..." establishing such a government upon the principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as may guarantee their happiness and security.

      America stands once more at liberties gate... the people must secure their homes from the enemy within and without Too, that end we must endeavor to peacefully resolve our differences with those holding power over our lives; knowing, that the Tree of Liberty must be watered with the substance of our courage and blood from time to time... as the tyrant will not leave peacefully and the OATH KEEPERS… the sentinels of our liberty have forgotten to whom and what their oaths were made. There is no righteousness in a government that oppresses the people it has sworn to serve. Such a reprobate government must be rebuked and returned to its limits as defined by our Constitution.

      The only way we will see the return of Constitutional government… is thru a national campaign of peaceful resistance to the tyranny using peaceful, passive-aggressive, civil disobedience... that shut down elements of the economy by engaging in selective denial of service, tax, and labor strikes, and other forms of peaceful civil disobedience. 

      We must organize NATIONALLY, unite under a single banner and focus on unified goals for reform; starting with a RECALL AND TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT.  A Constitutional amendment that recalls the entire sitting government, elected and appointed officers, subject to new elections and appointments.  We must establish term limits on all elected and appointed offices ONE TERM of 6yrs, with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2yrs, similar to the US Senate's present system of elections.

      Going in circles around Washington, DC without specific written demands… is misdirected energy. Sorry, but I don’t see Congress resigning or passing reforms anytime soon based on such inane pressure.

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