
In the Marine Corps, we don't have quotas, but we do have goals. And Marines accomplish goals," my officer-in-charge told me and a few other brand-new second lieutenants, each of us assigned to temporary recruiting duty while awaiting orders to Quantico. The captain then told us we had to sign up a certain number of college-enrolled racial minorities and females. No need to be too strict on physical fitness or academics, he said. Just bring them in.

That was in 2009. Discrimination of this sort has been an ingrained yet lamentable part of the military's recruitment, retention and promotion practices for many years. But my fellow officers and I couldn't have imagined that, 12 years later, our disagreement with these policies would get us labeled "racist," "sexist," "bigoted" or "extremists" worthy of "eradication" and "elimination" from the USMC. Yet the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps said as much in his February 22 "core values" memo.

I'm now a major in the Marine Corps Reserve and a member of a formerly all-male infantry battalion.* This past weekend we had our monthly drill period. A few days before drill, the command told us that all scheduled training on Sunday morning was canceled and replaced with a "stand-down to address extremism in the ranks."

It was left-wing political programming, as direct as it sounds.

We were instructed that there is a Taliban-like threat in the United States called "domestic terrorism." These terrorists are characterized in part by "anti-government," "anti-authority" or "abortion-related" extremism and various "supremacist" ideas. None of these terms are defined. The Marine Corps entrusts the government's HR department to figure that out.

Reporting requirements are key. Do you suspect someone supports an "extremist ideology?" Alert the chain of command. Have you heard a Marine express "contempt toward officials?" Notify the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Don't handle anything on your own. Just rat them out. After all, "service is a privilege" and it'd be a shame to lose that privilege for failing to do your part to stamp out "extremists." One PowerPoint slide posed this imperative in stark terms: "Do you want to be a Marine or do you want to be part of an organization that sows disunity and hate. You cannot have divided loyalties."

Where did all this come from? Soft liberalism has taken root in the military over several decades. These alarming trends are already well documented in James Hasson's book Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America's Military. But in the wake of President Joe Biden's election—and more precipitously since the January 6 "insurrection"—bureaucratic progressivism has hardened into iron-fisted wokeism.

January 6 provided the pretext that the government, media and Democratic Party needed to drum up paranoia about white-nationalist domestic terrorism. A month later, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo to all Pentagon leadership laying the groundwork for my unit's Sunday morning indoctrination.

In his memo, Austin announced that the Department of Defense "will not tolerate...actions associated with extremist or dissident ideologies" and ordered all 1.4 million personnel to receive "extremism" training. And he promised it was just the beginning: the "stand-down is just the first initiative of what I believe must be a concerted effort to...eliminate the corrosive effects that extremist ideology and conduct have on the workforce."

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