
  • Does anyone have the website adress for the Donald JTrump Save America PAC. It seems our dear friend at  Google, bing and every other web search engine I've used doesn't want us to find the web address.

  • And guess who has been funding this lab since 2002 and posted a video in 2015 about the threat of a coming pandemic and that we were not ready for it? Bill Gates

    • I am not surprised at all along with George Soros, and the rest of the squad.

    • You Bet..! Gates Thinks He Is A God Head..! I Would Like To Be The One That Chops His Damned Head Off -  The CRAZY BASTARD..!

  • I have been saying since this thing started that it was from that lab and released by the Dems on the AMERICAN CITIZENS on purpose. WHY?  Because they hated Trump and would do anything to try and get rid of him. When that did not work they pulled off the most obvious voter fraud we have ever seen. They all belong in jail but since that more than likely will not happen let's hope KARMA gets them in the worst way possible, 

    • They would say your crazy for that statement but I Will Tell You That You ARE NOT Crazy - That Was Exactly To The T What I Said As Well..! The LEFTIST Extremest Dems Was Already On Board With This For MULTIPLE PURPOSES And DEFINATELY TO TRY TO END TRUMP..! That Is Why Pelosi Sat On The Fraud Impeachment Papers Way Past The Dually Past Time And Date..! She Had To Wait For It All To Come Into The Correct Order - Then Make A Show While They We Setting Up The Total Steal Of The Election Plus Buy Off Or Blackmail The Judges and The Highest Supreme Court and Cheif Justice Roberts..!!!  SOMETHING TO THAT NATURE..!  This Pandemic Was Set Up To Kill Older Senior People So That We Would Not Interfer With Their Indoctrination Plans..!  Us Old Bastards Will Still Fight Them at Age 60 to 80..!

    • And now this dem congress and lunatic Biden and Shit for Brains Pelosi along with HARD CORE COMMUNIST Harris are doing their damnedest to try and completely destroy the US Dollar with that 1.9 TRILION DOLLAR Spending bill that ONLY 9% of goes for Covid reliefe- driving us into Hyper Inflation to top it all off..Q! There is plenty more HELL coming- it is FAR FROM OVER..!


  • it is purely Demonic.

  • All the indications and the after effects lead to Wuhan. If it did not escape from their lab by mistake then I believe the commies let it loose as a test for furture use. 

    And I also believe that lying bastard Fauci was involved having spurred on the US government to donate to the Chinese research labs. We have too many traitors helping the enemy and doing all they can to undermine this government. 

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