WATCH: Don Lemon Complained About Trump Meme… Now He's IN One ...MSNBC’s Joy Reid has two notable developments this week. She was named as the new nightly anchor to replace Chris Matthews and was lost a major appeal in a defamation lawsuit tied to her prior position.  Reid has a history of controversial statement including her insistence that her posts on her blog with homophobic comments were fabricated by hackers.  She later apologized for the postings that she claimed that she made. She acknowledged “I can definitely understand, based on things I have tweeted and have written in the past, why some people don’t believe me.”  She was sued in one of the most notorious postings on social media by Roslyn La Liberte, a Trump supporter, who was trashed by Reid for comments that she never made and an account that proved to be untrue.  Reid relied on California’s Anti-Slapp statute and immunity arguments to try to force La Liberte out of court, even though she again later apologized. Now the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has handed down a major ruling against Reid that could undermine future defenses by media figures.

Reid retweeted this image of La Liberte in the MAGA hat from a city council meeting in California during debate over SB 54, a law limiting local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities.  Reid first retweeted the image with the  caption, “You are going to be the first deported.” Then, in a second post on Instagram, she wrote that the woman in the photo had screamed “You are going to be the first deported … dirty Mexican!” In additional postings on Instagram and Facebook, Reid said “Make the picture black and white and it could be the 1950s and the desegregation of a school. Hate is real, y’all. It hasn’t even really gone away.”

The problem is that the image was false as was the account.  La Liberte is the daughter of immigrants and was described as trying to calm the situation down.  The 14-year-old at the center of the controversy was shown hugging La Liberte after their exchange. As stated in a federal complaint,  the misleading caption and posting to Reid’s1.24 million followers was a classic defamation action.  The complaint states:

“An interview of the young man confirming that La Liberte did not utter any racial slurs and was otherwise civil to him. He states, among other things, that he “felt like [La Liberte] was still trying to keep it civil which I appreciate”; “she was being civil”; and “[s]he doesn’t deserve it because she was giving her opinion at a place where everyone should be able to say their peace.”

Two days after posting her comments, Reid apologized by saying “It appears I got this wrong. My apologies to Mrs. La Liberte and Joseph.”  The failure to specify what she “got wrong” and the use of “appears” led La Liberte to object that the apology was too little and too late.

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  • The largest group of racist today are found in the minority communities of America... they are psychologically transferring their anger and hate into racist acts against the majority race in America.

  • This again shows the lack of education in this country as to the true nature of the racism in this country. At the time of the civil war the political party of the South would later become the modern day Democratic party. The majority of the southern plantation owners as well as the Confederate Army were Democrats. They were the creators of the Jim Crow laws, the KKK, and the keeping of blacks as second class people. Robert Bird was a grand klegal and often refered to blacks with the "n" word. Bull Conners, George Wallace, and many others fought desegregation tooth and nail. It was Republicans who freed the slaves, passed amendments giving blacks American citizenship, the pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all the while the Democrats fought these changes tooth and nail. Maybe as home schooling is happening parents should do some learning themselves to learn the truth.

    • Well said, Dawn.


  • she will just keep saying these things and then offer a lame apology which she doesn't really mean

  • Is she crazy,  stupid, or  both; the answer is yes.

  • I wish Trump would just shut down the lying fake news and be done with it. What the fake media is doing is treason. Round them up and punish them to the full extent of the law!

  • Joy Reid is typical of commentators at MSNBC and other "lilberal" media outlets: she distorts the fact to suit her narrative. One would think that a responsible news agency would terminate Ms Reid for such a blatant lie, but that's not happening. After all, she apologized ... and not for the first time. If anyone out there wonders why MSNBC is not to be trusted, this story is all you need to know

  • These people will never stop until they assume room temperature because they want the issue so that they can think they have something to bitch, complain, lie, scream and whine about no matter how much misery, death and destruction they foist on us. That shows what their true motives are and that they hate their own country. They should be stripped of their citizenship and deported to one of the commie countries.

    • I get it you mean body temperature, LOL I was thinking about their room temperature IQ's. I agree with you. Let's hope it's a cold room so they don't bloat and stink, like they do on tv.


    • LOL!


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