
  • Putin surrounded Ukraine to stop the push by NATO to incorporate it into NATO.  NATO has wanted this for a long time.  NATO, which began as 12 nations with an agreement with the then Soviet Union, which controlled the region of Ukraine, today has 30 nations and has encroached on Russia since its inception.  Every encroachment allows it to place nuclear missiles closer to Moscow.  Putin was accused of going to invade, but after a couple weeks he ordered the Russian troops back home and started removing them.  Two days later an explosion of a natural gas pipeline was blamed on Russia.  Putin had enough.  He ordered the army to turn around and began plans to remove the Neo-Nazis controlling the country.  He contacted Trump and told him his plans.  He also said he was going to remove the child traffickers and the U.S. funded Bio-weapon labs, which he has already completed.  After learning that the Ukrainian army was going to cause an "accident" at the defunct Chernobyl reactor, Putin sent his forces immediately to secure that facility.  The facility is now secure. 

    For everyone who has their own idea of what's happening in Ukraine, research the above statements on numerous independent, conservative news channels.  If you still watch Cable TV News, you need to stop.  There are numerous conservative news channels.  Check out OAN News and Epoch Times for a start.  Even FOX News is still on a Russia is an evil empire kick. 

    • NATO membership is by invitation ONLY! All members have to agree to extend the invite, and approve a membership. Ukrain wanted into NATO for years, but for several reasons their desire was nor considered, such as national instability, their economy (can they afford to be part of) Putin's objection, etc. NATO never pushed to include Ukrain, Ukrain pushed NATO and was declined!

      There are 2,500 azov members (so called nazi) in a country of 40 million people, not significant enough to have to bomb an entire country over them. That takes care of the idea that Putin the savior of Ukrain is there to help them wipe out the Nazis. Yes, there is human trafficking in Ukrain, it's been going on for decades by the Russian mafia! The same Russian mafia that is all over the former soviet bloc countries stealing brand new cars. I bought a BMW in 2006, picked it up in Munich at the factory. We drove down to Salzburg, Austria to spend time with my cousin, them we were all going into Hungary for a couple of weeks. My cousins husband is in insurance, and he was extremely concerned about the car, because if the mafia wants a certain higher end car they will take it. They'll stop you dressed like police, take it in the middle of the night, they will kill you if you resist. You cannot take a car you rent in Western Europe into the former soviet countries because of this. I had to find secure parking for the car every single day and night, sometimes I had to pay more for parking than I paid for our room. In more remote places not only parked inside garages, but then blocked the garage door by other vehicles. I saw beautify young girls wearing nothing but thongs and high heels standing on the side of the road offering themselves to travelers.....all Ukrainian girls, sold by the Russian Mafia. They threaten them, they threaten their families back home, and if they don't do what they are told, someone dies, gets maimed, etc.  ALL DONE BY THE RUSSIAN MOB! 
      Ukrain is corrupt, that's another reason NATO would not consider them as members, this corruption is hard to stop when we have the Biden family along with their friends feasting there, milking them for favors. Because they, the people want to end the corruption, they look to the west, not Russia for their future, and this is what Putin finds so objectionable! He wants the entire  soviet bloc back, he said it himself, it came from him. Ukraine is a sovereign country with a lot of leftover Russians living on their land from the decades of Russian occupation. These people have two choices, either move to Russia, or support the country you live in. It's as if Mexico has rights to parts of the USA where there are large populations of Mexicans. It's BS here, and it's BS there. The Ukrain borders are set and to be honored, and if the POS Obama didn't allow Putin to take over Crimea without consequences.....this war would not be happening today.

    • Your hatred for the Russians clouds everything you write. You pretend to know all the angles of this conflict. YOU DON”T. That hasn’t stopped you from writing as if you had an inside intelligence source. YOU DON”T. Your writing also suggests that you have access to Putin’s every thought. YOU DON”T. Hate the Russians all you want, I’m sure the democrats will appreciate your efforts. If war with Russia seems like a good idea to you feel free to send YOUR grandchildren to Ukraine to die for the cause.

      By the way, you can really stick it to Putin by paying $5.00+ for a gallon of gas. That’ll fix that bastard.

    • But you of course do have the inside dope as a pedestrian, right? Whats your credential?

      She has a right to her viewpoint which promises predication by actual living experience. Easy enough to grasp, Thomas?

      Need pictiures? Will the ass bray in your stead to reply?  

    • Never claimed to have any inside information or all the answers.

      Only idiots like you make those assertions. Constantly!!


    • Yes there are only 2500 azov members, but they are in places of power in Ukraine. This gives Puten one of the two pretences to go in.


  • I’ve been trying to keep up with the views and opinions in the comments pertaining to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

    It’s amazing how many people seem to have their own “Intelligence Agencies” on the ground in Ukraine.

    Not only do they KNOW exactly what is happening but they are also able to probe Putin’s mind to determine his motives and intentions. I wonder if he’s aware that his brain is being scanned?

    Damn few facts but an endless supply of opinions camouflaged as facts.

    • I think you're a Nazi. 


    • "I think you're a Nazi. "

      JC, manners please!

      That is unfortunate.

      Please address the idea,

      not the messenger.

    • Although your assertion may hold water.

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