AP Government: Earmarks

American taxpayers still reeling from coronavirus lockdowns will be shelling out billions to foreign countries if Congress passes a $2.3 trillion spending bill unveiled Monday.

The 5,593 page budget-busting bill was posted online Monday afternoon, only hours before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a vote would be held.

For some countries, Christmas came early:

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).

Unspecified funds to “continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Kabul, Afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men in a coeducational environment” (page 1477).

$198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs” (page 1485).

$130,265,000 to Nepal for “development and democracy programs” (page 1485).

Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs” (page 1486).

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    • I am done with teaching. I am working on my website and will pursue doing my own art, portraits, watercolors, digital work and spiritual art. It is about time. Teaching took all of my passion and left nothing for my own talents. 

    • They have been brainwashed by the marxist Dewey (and others) dogma.

      It needs to start with the Master's of Ed programs that brainwash them in Grad school that are marxist. It is a one-size-fits-all dumb-down-degree. Unions need to go, period. Administrators and Boards need to be held accountable NOW for indoctrinating both faculty and students, the buck rolls uphill in this case. Where I taught, which formerly was a community college that actually focused on serving the community, is now run by a leftist President who held a rally for 0, and brought in Chelsea and Biteme, all different times.

      The propaganda in education is also in law schools. They do not study THE Consittution, they study ABOUT the Constitution, focusing on case law, instead of reading and studying the Constitution, founding documents and the Federalist papers. The propaganda and dumbing down continues in med schools that teach nothing about vitamins, natural healing, or even the chemicals within our foods, such as Glyphosate and arsenic. Doctors have one class in nutrition, based on a food pyramid that emphasizes grains. Grains in this country are loaded with Glyphosate, which is one reason Europe does not allow much American food into their countries.  So, Doctors know nothing about how the body heals on its own. Nothing.

      Back to education and my former college——The focus on neighborhood and community became this marxist dogma of this leftist President who brought in Biden, Chelse and shut down free speech. The tagline for the college changed to this:

      Diversity, Equity and Alignment. 1. 2. 3. Simple

      1.  Diversity = when I asked my Chair if I could be part of the Grow Your Own program, where the college paid for your Master's as long as you completed in a certain number of years. Since I taught more than the full-timers and taught every single print based design class, both 1st and 2nd years, I thought I had a strong chance. Full time faculty were encouraging me to get my Masters. 

      The answer was, to my face, "No, Jeanine, you are not the right color." That is diversity.

      2.  Equity = when I was asked to "help" an autistic student, aged 20 or so, get through my (weed-out) 1st -year drawing class. Student had No skills. No hand skills, no ability to see. But his mother was English faculty on campus. That is equity. Equal outcomes, whether talented and hard-working or not. 

      3. Alignment =  Align with Admin or ELSE, no merit award, no promotion, no committee assignments that get you promotion. Or ELSE.

      The underlying beliefs forced by the administration are RACISM, SEXISM and CLASSISM.

      Lawsuits against Boards and Presidents are due, They violate our Constitution, our Declaration and all founding documents. They destory Merit, the Puritan Work Ethic, and the entire American hope and dream of a better future. They destroy true equality.  Numbers, quotas, Numbers, quotas, Numbers, quotas. 


      We need one law that re-establishes in some way, a Biblical world view to be taught in the classroom, along with truthful American history and civics. Along with real math, science, etc. where people have to RE learn that there are only TWO sex chromosomes. Somehow, they have all abandoned science to the point that they are idiots. X and Y. Period.

      And WHY do they want to breathe in their own carbon dioxide, when I thought carbon dioxide was killing the environment. What???  MY HEAD IS SPINNING on that one. And they want to breathe in their own carbon dioxide right up through their sinus cavities, which crosses the blood-brain barrier, and kills brain cells. Well, maybe that gives rise to hope they will destroy themselves, now that I think about it. 

      And we could start that new educational system by teaching that we are not a damn democracy. That would be a great start. 

    • I agree JEA9... but it has to START WITH TEACHERS... Parents have been denied access to the inner workings of public education... they no longer control school boards and those they do have no power to overturn State Boards of Education. The Boards themselves are products of TEACHERS who have worked their way thru the system... so don't tell me Teachers are not the problem. They most certainly are.

      Teachers are either directing the mess or silently going along to get along... aiding and abetting the crap being called Public Education. I am totally disgusted with the system, it stinks and needs to be completely reorganized.  However, that will take a seed change in the management and frontline Teachers Unions.  The Union put us where we are and it must be reformed to take us back to where we were.... world-class educational outcomes.

    • I did what I could and was fired. It does not start with teachers. The trend in America is more and more adjuncts, who work for a pittance. So the more full-timers they can fire, the more money they save. We are the ultimate cost, they do not count administration as something to try to cut, only faculty. Believe me. I know of another, same situation. 

    • I have been told to keep my political views out of the classroom while they FREELY preach racism, sexism, classism and respect NOTHING about our country's founding or principles. Everything is perverted.

    • Of course, you have been singled out and abused by your union and the school's administration... However, that was not always the case ...was it?   What has happened to your rights as an educator (tenure to teach) is that teachers permitted the radical left to dominate their unions and associations.... they ALLOWED the Left to bully their way into power, and to set the agenda for public education. 

      So, who's to straighten it all out... parents? They didn't create the problems, even though the Union blames them (like all good leftist operations it's someone else's fault).. the professionals our parents hired failed to control the Educational track they took. Instead of educators, they became political commissars, indoctrinating our children in communist theory and the politically correct culture of Marxist ideology. 

      Parents did not pay for that nor do they condone it. Then why is it happening? That's right, 'teachers' have willingly taught this crap; instead of revolting and throwing out their union leaders, and public school administrators and boards they went along to get along. The result is a failed public education system... hardly a surprise, when one understands the current system is not designed to educate... it is designed to indoctrinate.

    • We don't have a union.  My supposed "representation" by my "Faculty Senate Representative" never happened, even thought I wrote the Asst. Provost 4x asking where my representation was. 

      I also had a medical exemption about the masking requirement and was told by my Chair that it wouldn't matter, that the college didn't want to see one with a face diaper and one without, (my terminology, obviously).  And even though the signs said, mask OR stay more than 6 ft., which I did. When I wore the mask, it was below my nose, so I could breathe, see and speak. 

      Pastors were exempted because they need to speak. Legislators were exempted from masking because they need to speak. My classes were 3 hrs apiece, 3x day two days a week, which would have meant I was speaking through a mask 9 hrs/day, breathing in my own waste carbon dioxide, you know—the same dangerous carbon dioxide they think is killing the planet. 

      The stupidity of all of this is unbelieveable. Wear a mask and then go touch avacadoes, bananas, put them back, choose another, handle a cart handle, etc. People have lost their minds.

    • covid has been used as a catch-all to instill fear and to make money.  In some states 3 positive tests of 1 person are 3 cases while 3 negatives are 1 case.  anyone who dies from any cause within 90 days of a positive test is listed as covid, even car wreck!!!!!!  it is a scam.

    • Interestingly enough, as a vocal music teacher for years in the late 20th and early 21st century in "backwoods" public schools managed to have freedom to teach real values.  There was a "slack" in the system then that permitted Christians to speak freely.  That freedom is now almost all gone as the "digital" invasion of the schools pushes "left-brain" narrow-minded thinking at the expense of whole-brain thinking, the thinking of artists, musicians, poets, patriots and entrepreneurs especially with God's blessing of grace upon their holistic thinking.  Now the Chinese digital invasion is moving through the cell phone providers as they make its clients subscribe to a 5G system designed to bring the "telescreen" of Orwell's 1984 into every home on the globe.  Now the Chinese masters and their Democrat friends in the proposed Biden Administration will impose the Social Credit system on Americans and drum out all traces of authentic Christian faith.  Will the patriots have the wherewithal to stop it?  That is the battleground before us right now.

    •  "Grading on a scale" meant there is no objective standard of retention of facts at the heart of the grade.  Administrators who don't like a teacher look at how many failures there are.  If the teacher uses a scale, then there aren't so many failures if the teacher failed to get the factual point across or the kids simply don't do the work!  The hostile administrator's eye is turned elsewhere.  I recall also that some coaches could impose strict training régimes on their team, others could not.  If a coach had strict standards, they would only work if the coach had them on himself.  But the endeavor became enthralling to the team, particularly if the team would win.  Under the Leftist régime, the teacher teaches to the state standardized test.  The endeavor becomes very narrow rather than the old broad based educational endeavor that was more holistic:  athletics, music, art, drama, debate.  Now competitive athletics has eclipsed the broad-based development of athleticism in physical education.  The competitive chorus competing for prizes in some far-off location or the competitive marching band with hours away from home in Saturday competition.  In each case, parents raise 10s of thousands of dollars and demand success.  Music for its own sake is an old-fashioned and 'out-moded' idea in the new system.  Universities are practically run by their competitive athletic programs that directly benefit a tiny percentage of the student population, with the larger percentage becoming spectators at the multi-million dollar arenas.  Universities are involved in semi-pro athletics with multi-million dollar coaches.  Sorry.  Whatever happened to college or high school intramural athletics?  Whatever happened to broad-based fitness goals for the entire student body?  Instead the "star" athletes do not obtain an academic degree.  The more important goal is the tiny percentage of the program's athletes that obtain multi-million dollar professional contracts.  They become media celebrities with no understanding of what it means to be liberally educated!   They go to the Pro's and then act like juvenile delinquents as they demand kneeling before the flag of our nation!  When the spectators turn away, everyone loses.  In the old days, the great professional athletes united the town behind them and gave a sense of pride to everyone.  No more.  

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