
    • We are in mid sevinties and had Covid in September and neither of us needed intervention.  Just took our vitamins etc recommended for immune buildup and survived.  Not much diffrenent then having flu.  NEVER GOING TO GET THE JAB!!!!!   I am now afraid to even getting a flu shot and them pulling a bait and switch.  Thats how much all the fake news and political agenda crap has made me paranoid.   If the JAB is so great they need to be accountable for bad side effcts and yet they aren't.  Its experimental and they are mandating this poison.  Wise up sheeple!!!




    • Different people get different symptoms, and their body deals differently depending on their general health.
      I know some who were very sick, and others who had short term mild symptoms. Vitamins are extremely helpful....just like with he flu. Speaking of the flu, you are correct in questioning the flu shot, it is a moneymaker for pharma and the places that administer it, but useless because they cannot predict how it will change from year to year. Zinc at  early symptoms along with vitamin C, D3, lots of fluids will get most people through it without needing a doctor, but those who have a weak constitution, dealing with disease, have underlying conditions should get treated very early so the virus doesn't take over sending their system into a frenzy they cannot recover from. They put the fear of god I to the world, and many who are running to doctors with the sniffles freaked, they are still freaked, and there is no easier group to handle than those who are afraid.....they become sheep!

       I predict the next thing that will happen will be that the government will regulate vitamin C to 50mgs so you have to take 20 or more for it to be they do in Europe.

  • FEAR is their only weapon they have on the people, and if we stop shopping at Walmart,Costco, Target and all those big stores until they agree with We the people that mask are worthless and they don't help on nothing when they start looking at the market and see how much they are losing because we aren't shopping at their stores when they realize we are talking our business to small businesses then they will understand that the government doesn't control our life that all this is about fear and money 

    • People have tremendous power if we stick together. I have not had any problem, in my area they strongly recommend to mask, but not demand it........yet! I only see a few people mask, the majority does not, most people are sick of this. If they start demanding masking again, we need to be though and say no!

      i think if parents would form a national group and decide on a date when they all at one time pull their children out of public school, the masking and distance learning would stop! They would suddenly be in control of their children again, and could make demands on what they are being taught as well!

      BTW, a refreshing side note, yesterday Ohio passed a law that allowed conceal carry without a permit, anyone with a legal gun can concealed the criminals have no idea who might have a gun!

    • I run around in my scrubs before and after work if I need to pick something up, I'm waiting for someone to tell me I should know better than not to I can respond I do know better, that's why I don't mask!

  • When Biden speaks with his head up his butt, is there an echo?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • No.....he is too full of it!

  • F Y Biden - you either don't know what you are talking about or are lying!  Go away (PERMANENTLY)

  • America has divided into two distinct groups: Those who take the Words of the Progressive Socialist MEDIA/Politicians as Gospel and those capable of Trusting in the Findings of the Discoveries of Their Own Research and Studies of Facts. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Gatres / Soros and thier ilk, are planning on exposing the global populations to smallpox! The next plandemic.

    This is documented in many places.

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