
    • Walter, the new world order is satan's dominion over the entire world that will last for 7 years and then be destroyed by the return of Jesus Christ!!!!!  We are VERY close to seeing it implemented and that means the Rapture of the Church is imminent!!!!!  I urge everyone to turn to God immediately as tomorrow may be too late!!!!!  I daily pray that a massive revival will come to America before it is too late for people to change their eternal destiny!!!!!!!!!


    • Satan's love for the NWO is due to his desire (#1) to kill Chritians so that they cannot lead others to Jesus and there gain eternallife in heaven and (#2) to keep as many people from Jehovah God's salvation as is possible.  The establishment of the NWO would dissolve Christianity and Judaism.  It would cause deaths due to war, imprisonment, etc.    Satan is the "Father of Lies."  Due to his hate of Jehovah God, he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.

  • The leader of the New World Order would be the last man ( country ) standing after a nuclear war. There never will be a universal leader of nations. Too many with inyernal struggles of their own to worry about international struggles. Everybody thinks that THEY are the most important. 
    II DO believe that the leader will be the last man standing, but much like Burgess Merideth in the Twilight Zone episode, he'll be the ONLY one, and too damaged to lead...

    • The leader of the NWO will come on the scene and will be known as the anti-Christ to Christians.  He will be supported by Satan.  In order to make people believe that he is truly God, he will be kiled, and, after three days, he will rise from the dead and will sit on the throne in Jerusalem's principal Temple.  He then can change the beliefs of Chritians and Jews about their religions.  Even the wisest living Christians and Jews will be folled by him.  I do not know, but could his name be Barack Obama?

    • John, that can't happen. You and I and plenty of others know full well how utterly and completely evil that man is and how he hates, hates and hates, how he alone sttired up racism in this country.  His eyes give him away-- to any discerning Christian.

    • Jea, it not only can happen, the Bible says it WILL happen!!!!!!!!!!


    • Bob, I responded to John so please take a look. I only refer to 0 as the antichrist as a less likely candidate now that so many people have had the stupor wiped of of their minds,  from the election coup,  to the hisses on Trump,  to the covid scam, to the Jax, distancing and every other lie that has been rebutted and shown to be one more part of the rest plan. It could be him but I think eyes are open and for to many it would now be tough to pass 0 off as anything but evil. I could be wrong if course,  and it will happen, someone will take that part and fool most people. Even the elect...


    • Jea, I don't think obama is the anti-Christ either but he wants to be in the upper echelon and I do think he is one of the top tier of satan's minions!!!!!!!!!!  I hope you are right about people being on to him but he is a master manipulator and there are a lot of very stupid people who can't see their hand in front of their face!!!!!!!!!!


    • Hi, Jeanine!  Did you misread what I wrote or did I write something mistakenly - not proof-reading?  What do you mean "that can't happen?"

    • Hi John. I was only referring to your last question as to whether 0 could be the anti-Christ. It is true he hates God,  hates us,  hates righteous people, hates everything we hold dear, but my comment suggests that to many people have woken up to who he is and how evil he is. I suppose though, as time goes on, if people go back into a stupor, that he could be the one. God help us, he probably has years on this planet before he is ushered into hell. I might be more inclined to immediately agree with you on this thought, but due to the coup wrapped up in the election, far too many have the dust out of their eyes, don't you think? We have just come through the greatest awakening on earth ever, and it isn't over yet as far as I can see. I say that because I believe God is not done yet and heads are going to roll one way or the other.

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