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    • You are so right on every point. Except for Trump, our Government hasn't done the will of the citizens for 40 years. It has always followed the dollar bill and it shows and we were in control of the Democratic Party all the time. As for Obama's war, he spent untold millions bombing junk cars and tanks on the desert floor. Trump changed all that in 10 days. 

  • People need to understand, LIFE means NOTHING to these people, this culture, this Islamic cult. You can NOT make treaties, expect them to adhere to anything they sign. They will fight to the death, and kill the last person standing on the planet. To them and their sick ideolgy death is their ultimate reward, then they can receive their 72 virgins in hell. The average IQ is 35 over there, so the US needs to pull out of the Middle East completely and let them kill each other....keep them out of this country. 

  • Afghanistan ends with a horrible, terrible waste of human flesh. Afghanistan began 8-10 Thousand Years Ago as a horrible, terrible waste of human flesh. For thousands of years "War Lords" have battled one another for dominance. Along came Mohammed and certain War Lords expanded their needs for destruction to include all "Infidels!" One War Lord in particular expanded that "Hatred" all the way to the "Twin Towers!" We, the United States, decide to "Eliminate and Rescue" all of the Middle East from the War Lord who dared to attack us, while bringing them the "Gift of Democracy! (Which was never wanted, understood, or needed for their Millenniums of existence)" In our goals we hindered Our Military from eradicating the "Guilty War Lord", then leaving the " Others to continue Their Way of Life, no matter how abhorrent in Our Eyes!" Because of this "Tribal War Lord Way of Life" existence, No one has conquered Afghanistan from the time of Alexander the Great. All Military Leaders know this. All Politicians ignore this. The People involved on all sides bleed, die and suffer as a result.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Reminds me of Saigon..

  • So, he has his own Benghazi now & can wear it as a Clinton badge of honor. All libs need the t-shirt that says I'm with stupid. 

  • Way to Go Joe. Enjoying yourself in Delaware. Who is charge of getting our people out of this Hell Hole.

    • Very well said, Gary.  The useless slob couldn't care less.  Instead of the Far East, the military needs to focus on Washington and clean out the Marxist factions ruling, not governing, our country.

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