From the #BLM movement to the pandemic, memes go for the jugular with their  wit - The Hindu

Let’s begin with the conclusion so as not to keep anyone waiting: Punishment under the law is no longer acceptable in a “woke” society. One may still be subjected to legal prosecution if the crime threatens the Left, as happened to Donald Trump, Carter Paige, and Michael Flynn. “Truth,” however, has nothing to do with such prosecutions of convenience, although punishment is highly acceptable under informal social norms. So, we have “cancel culture” that can ruin a person’s life in an afternoon, moving right along until the victim enters his eternal rest.

Rejecting legal punishment except in political cases can be seen in the West Coast’s aversion to prosecuting street crimes such as trespassing, mugging, and serious violence resulting in bodily injury. Just this afternoon, as I am writing, Portland, Oregon has decided not to prosecute someone who drove into a Proud Boy in a parking lot and then left the scene. In the olden days, this was a pure crime, but unworthy of charges at this time and in that venue.

In another case, the prosecutor of a case told the murder victim’s family to “keep their mouth shut.” If victims and their families have no standing, punishment is increasingly irrelevant. The proper “woke” attitude towards victims is that all that happened to them was they had some really bad luck.

From where does this impulse to ignore punishment arise? Most rationalizations explaining this phenomenon do not interest me. I have my own!

Those holding political power who downplay punishment desperately need a punishment-free society to protect themselves from investigation and jail time. If everyone else can get away scot-free, so can those who wield power.

In fact, not only should everyone be allowed to get away scot-free, but they should not even be subjected to questioning about their deeds. My wife keeps laughing at me for continuing to believe Hillary should be wearing orange.

Donald Trump is hated because he blew the whistle on the big game. He brought the entire official Washington world down on him by talking about the “swamp” and calling the fake news “fake.”

It is little wonder that Mitch McConnell turned on Trump in recent days even though the President helped him get re-elected. Mr. McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao’s family earns money from a shipping company with Chinese ties and Chao likes to help out. The continuation of Mr. Trump’s tough line against China could easily cause the collapse of Ms. Chao’s portfolio and that loss of income can only be prevented with Mr. Trump’s timely retirement.

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  • This will only lead to vigilante justice, that is not the road we want to take. Back the blue and respect the law. Keep criminals in prison.

    • we've been on that road ever since Obama became the president and now it's going to get worse if Biden became the president.

  • finally, someone is reporting this trend on what's been going on ever since the Obama administration was in office.

  • I think the cops are terrified of Antifa and BLM communist!! That's why they don't do anything to them!!

    • History repeating itself....tis happened back in WW II and soon fools forget.

  • I can see a need for a congressional bill just as soon as we have Republican majorities again, and PDJT in the White House:

    "No state or local governmental entity shall receive any disbursement of federal funds if said state or local governmental entity fails to protect the safety, security, property, and well-being of its citizens."

  • Oregon refused to prosecute the antifa and blm thugs that destroyed large parts of the city but has NO problem with going after the anti-lockdown protwesters.

  • Gods wrath is soon upon them

  • I feel like I am living in the Matrix!  Whatever happened to common sense?  Is it no longer "right or wrong"?  Whatever happened to us when what used to be called a crime is now acceptable?  The hatred of the left is visible in every aspect of our lives - from District Attorneys unwilling to prosecute to Governors who think they are God.  Please people, when are we going to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and do something about all this?

    • 2 Timothy Ch 3 followed by Revelations...coming soon

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