
    • John, you are inspiring me to approach this forum more vigorously, because I see a need to. I have refrained, because I needed to subdue my anger with myself for allowing an unfortunate remark to tempt me to reduce my actions here to the mosh pit fun I have on other forums. I'll deal with that later, but this is important now. The Capitol is built by and owned for the People, and the Peoples interests. Any who would fortify and garrison it, to deny the People their rightful access for personal safeties sake, has acted in low and despicable ways requiring that paranoid viewpoint. Those who have done wrong, know they will be judged as such and try to deny accountabilty. Remember my statement that Pelosi Et Al holed up in Camp Biden like trapped gangsters? It is because they were in brief control of the local scene and were doing just that. They still are (despite the affectation of normalcy). The District now is an political assembly booby-trap course with no real way to win, but lots of ways to injure our conservative interests. This Federal civil liberties persecution policy is so brazen, that the journalist organization, Project Veritas and its head was raided by the FBI looking for Bidens' daughters personal diary! Roger Stone was blatantly dragged through a kangaroo court/show trial to ruin him personally, that required a Presidential pardon. Steve Bannon has just surrendered himself to contempt of Congress charges that Lois Lerner NEVER even saw a glimpse of. Alex Jones goes without saying.

      No one a peaceful march would be addressed to, wants to or intends to listen at this point. The honest and faithful servants already know, but are not in control. Forceful actions by the masses to gain attention, will quickly be punished. D.C. is not Portland. There is an eagerness to make individual examples of any who try to, hoping to chill the exercise of civil liberties, as they earnestly work to dismantle federal recognition of them. The current Rittenhouse trial of a young man, fleeing from a rioting mob, and defending himself against armed attack by a pedophile released that day from jail shows this. Direct protest at despot government strongholds will be exploited to accelerate curtailment of civil liberties. Bet on it. The existing arenas for individuals to reassert the Constitution, is at the state and local  levels. Here is an example:

      Small Town Declares Itself a 'Constitutional Republic,' Won't Follo...

      I do not want civil conflict due to its costs. Nonetheless, it may be insistantly provoked, due to the Peoples refusal to comply with our governments unconstitutional criminality. Our NWO attackers know if their global initiatives fail, they will suffer personal death for responsibility in the consequences of their ambitions. Note the desperation in that. You actually expect fair play and respect from their minions? Do not react in anger or naivete. React deliberately. On Jan. 6th, D.C. managed to trap a few Conservatives wise to current events many are not privy to and some Q-berts that now know better (it is all not going according to OUR plan). We cannot be so cavalier in our confidence. We must prevail.

      Oroville, CA, Declares Itself a 'Constitutional Republic,' Stops Enforcing State's Tyrannical Manda…
      A town in California has declared itself a constitutional republic and said it will not enforce California's continual mandates.
  • Biden and all democrats in Washington should be jailed today on treason and murder,fraud,lying to American people.

  • And of course OSHA will just ignore the order!

    • But since OSHA is a federal agency, why should states give any credence to it at all authoritatively, except in interstate work situations (like interstate commercial transportation of goods or passengers)?

  • But as a stay, it does not indefinitely suspend the criminal civil liberty mugging the Biden Adminstration is intending, right?

  • Biden is the commierat anti crist .

  • Good news, let's see how creepy biden gets around it

  • Biden has put out word to ignore the courts. We are under liberal socialist terrorist government folks. They want country on our knees begging to be saved and to be enslaved into one world government of NWO. Where only very rich will own and rest of us share croppers trying to feed ourself and what is left of family.

    • He can only do that so long, there's nothing a judge hates more than to be ignored!

    • Obama ignored judges that ruled against him all the time and nothing ever changed.

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