
    • It takes all kinds of lunatics to trash a World, I guess.LOL

      By my statement, I meant the optics of a child making such a contrary statement to their dogma,

      compels a conflict with standard recourse in abusing a child who makes the challenge. They are not programmed for it.

      It looks so bad!

    • Snowflakes ignore evidence... they view the world thru emotionally colored lenses... as victims, not participants, entitled to define justice and retribution.

    • True. Reason is almost useless. Psychological appeals to guilt and shame are possible, but only if they internalize it.

      Social Progressive Collectivism seems a form of mass mental illness, like lynchmob mass hysteria.

    • Ron a person has to have intelligence in order to look at any evidence.

  • Marxist Andy Stern (former SEIU President) controls all the Teachers Unions in the U.S.A. and he hates the US Constitution and anyone who believes in Individual Rights and the Rule of Law.

    • John I googled SEIU and now I know why so  many nurses, doctors, and health care workers are assholes....

  • Well said... this little man has more common sense than all the professionals at the CDC and in the White House.


  • What a smart young boy. I so agree with him. Kids should NOT be forced to be UNABLE to get oxygen.Breathing carbon monixide is NOT good for their health let alone an adults!!! STOP this ridiculousness 🛑 We weren't born to be suffocating behind a stupid face covering. OXYGEN NOT CARBON MONOXIDE👎

  • Wow, from my county, Martin county!  
    well said, remove the masks!  Ty!

    brave young man !

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