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  • Dianna, when I select the Colorado Election Guide, the link directs me to the Arizona Election Guide, I need this, I am new to Colorado and clueless on who to vote for and don't have time to research the candidates..

  • I cannot take the lead in any of this, my life is very full. I can be part of what is happening. I will be part of what goes on, I just have to keep my ears & voice out there until someone who is able to organize & chair something comes along. We can keep each other "in the loop". In the meantime, emails petitions & Marco Rubio is what I have. Keep in touch.
  • I live in Westminseter, 74th & Fed. Married & Father of 3, grandfather of 1. We can work on finding people from our area to work together on things. I'm not sure what that means, but I am wanting to do something about where we are headed. Let's keep in touch. All others interested. please post something & let's try to meet.
  • Dianna - click on the Startachapter link to access our packet. I used to send this out manually, but I believe the best thing is make it more easily available. God Bless.
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