Corruption breeds corruption... in recent months, the illegal alien is arriving at the border to find no work, and being unskilled they depend on the charity of others.  When the charity waines or runs out violence and criminal conduct often follow.

America is facing an escalating cycle of violence and hopelessness... as hundreds of thousands of new Biden illegals arrive only to find the welcome mat is the underside of an overpass... and the bare earth or cold concrete. The inevitable destination is starvation or violent misappropriation of another's property and wealth.

America is headed for monumental chaos... if it doesn't secure its borders and remove the indigent illegal alien from the underpass of neglect and hopelessness... NOW!  Marxist know how to incite riot and revolution and they are bringing it to America with wave after wave of the displaced... the homeless and suffering hordes of illegal aliens

Revolution the product of Democrat migration policy ... open borders and planned civil war.   One can not help but conclude that chaos is coming to fill our streets and invade our homes.  The hungry and hopeless indigent aliens will turn to violence as their children and wives face winter without shelter or food.  One doesn't invite hungry wolves to share their domestic pastures with sheep.

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  • If violence from illegal aliens becomes rampant in this country and beyond the control of local law authorities, those Americans who had the foresight to arm themselves will handle the problem in their own communities with whatever force is necessary. The rest of the clueless, apathetic and/or leftist Democrat supporting population will just have to fend for themselves.

  • Maybe the word will get out down south that sneaking into America is not the path to paradise that they have been led to believe by the left. We can only hope.

  • our life will be changed forever at this point.  The damage has already been done. For anyone who voted for Brandon, you can't fix stupid! 

  • Gee.  Maybe they should turn around and take their sorry butts back from whence they came.  The US owes those people nothing, and nothing is what they should get.  Illegal invaders should be stopped at the border, and those already in this country should be rounded up and thrown out of this country.

    • This is what I have said all along!!!

    • Let's not overlook the party-importing revolution ... the Democrats are using the needy and homeless of the third world to drive our nation over the edge. The Democrat Party and its domestic Marxist programs are failing to mobilize the native indigent population needed to foment revolution. They are recruiting and importing the displaced and disaffected populations of the third world... to use them as their foot soldiers in the coming civil war. 

      Americans have always been welcoming and compassionate people ... However, we are not equipped to shelter and provide essential services to the world's homeless and the Democrats know this.  The Marxist Democrats are creating s humanitarian crises to advance their cause... too, destroy our nation's economy and culture... to build back... a Marxist state. 

      These so-called migrants are the Army of the third world's oppressed and displaced... they are coming to the USA to roost in our homes and raid our public services...  They are not the hardworking stock of our European ancestors whose skills and moral strength drove back the wilderness and plowed under the fields of liberty... they are not looking to contribute to our nation's culture and economy, they are here to raid our storehouses and rape our economy.... too, build back the engines of poverty and despair, associated with the Democrat Plantation... 

      No, these illegal aliens are ECONOMIC OPPORTUNIST looking to shelter in their neighbor's homes... expecting to reap where they have not sown... The Democrats have promised them unfettered access to our nation's social and cultural institutions and services... financed by the wealth our forefathers left for the benefit of their progeny.  America is at war for its soul and it is about to go ballistic. Winter will bring with it a major crisis for the indigent, homeless, and unemployed as they struggle to find food, shelter, and the energy needed to sustain life... it could get very hot in the middle of winter. 

  • Yeah, I guess there are limits to democrat compassion for migrants. Just wanted their votes and chaos they create for thre Country. They served their purpose. Now starve.

  • Civil unrest is coming to the entire world if things don't change and soon.

  • Winters coming. 

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