Who Is Our Lord?

I was raised a Christian. During those years, I mouthed, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. . .” Muslims are taught that to sacrifice one’s life—to kill infidels guarantees you your place in “Paradise.” It’s faith, not reason.

Progressives envision a better world. Conservatives, as well, envision a better world. The conflict comes from the idea that the end justifies the means, the progressive approach. Again, it is faith without reason. Whose end?

We can’t know why God does what “he” does. We must have faith that “he” knows what is best. My parents told me I asked too many questions. Whether I liked it or not, I was to obey their orders. After I was on my own, it was still whether I liked it or not I was to obey orders. If the orders didn’t make sense to me I questioned the orders. The authorities reacted. Where did it get them? They hung themselves with their own rope.

In the Christian religion, we learn that the serpent in the tree of knowledge of good and evil told Eve that if she ate the forbidden fruit then she would know good and evil, the same as God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They ate the forbidden fruit and knew good and evil. I was taught that this was man’s original sin. In order to be forgiven, we must confess our sins. Knowing good and evil is a sin? That’s B.S. We can’t know why God does what “he” does. None of this goes with my ideas.

An avowed Christian’s comment: “You are entitled to your religious and spiritual beliefs. I strongly disagree with them. An occasional brief reference to your beliefs would be just fine. We all do that. A lengthy treatise, apparently aiming to proselytize us of ‘lesser wisdom’ does not seem appropriate to this forum.”

“On earth as it is in heaven,” what does that mean? I’ve not heard a logical answer from any Christian. The idea of “on earth as it is in heaven” goes back 40,000 years. The proof is in physical evidence all over the world. Our archetypes saw themselves as the mirror image of the heavens. They saw the universe and humans as cyclic. The born again idea goes far back into antiquity. The idea of sacrifice, sin—all that I was taught as a Christian goes back many thousands of years before Christianity. And the same goes for Islam. So, “us of lesser wisdom” does seem to me to be an appropriate subject to discuss. Look where religion has gotten us. We’ve been fighting holy wars for thousands of years over whose God is the real God.

After looking within for my answers, it does seem to me that my ideas come from my Creator. I strongly question religion. Why should I have faith in an idea that makes no sense to me? Indeed, why was I created with reason and logic?

The zodiac, the astrologer’s map of the heavens, was invented in ancient Babylonia. We each have a sun sign in one of the 12 zodiac signs. It tells us the characteristics of our inner selves. It has only been in modern times that the rising sign came into use. The rising sign is the part of us we show the world. As we age, we become more our rising sign. The rising sign is the hypothetical rising of the sun on the zodiac’s eastern horizon, “the star in the east.” As a Christian, I learned that three wise men located the birthplace of the Christ Child from the star in the east. It is determined by knowing the exact time and where you drew your first breath. My rising sign is Aquarius, the symbol for brotherhood and fraternity. Indeed. I’m a child of Christ’s making. Who is this Christian who questions me?

When I was age 49, an astrologer created my astrological chart. The above mentioned Christian who strongly disagreed with me, blogged that he went to an astrologer and deliberately gave him the wrong information about his time and place of birth. His astrological chart fit him, proving there is nothing to astrology. I gave my astrologer the correct information on my time and place of birth. My astrological chart did not fit me. Did it prove there is nothing to astrology? No. After my astrological chart was created, I grew to fit it. There are a great many factors that go into the astrological chart. We have choices to follow, the negative aspects or the positive aspects. The Christian who gave the astrologer the wrong information was lying to himself to prove his misguided faith was right. He is an example of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

My astrological chart says I’m a chance taker. Louis Pasteur said that chance favors the prepared mind. Where is the mind? Classical science says the mind is in the brain, without a clue. They say they will someday prove it. In the meanwhile quantum physics has proven that the mind is not in the brain. But like the misguided Christian’s faith, classical science has the misguided faith that we are all meat. Classical science says that quantum physics is trying to smuggle God into physics. Quantum physics says that consciousness has to be included in the mix of things; otherwise nothing would exist. Where is consciousness? We exist in a state of conscious awareness, and we limit how much we are aware of.

We are not of hive mentality. We were created to think for ourselves. By questioning authority, I went from a life of despair to a life that doesn’t get any better. It leaves the above mentioned Christian up a creek without a paddle, and the same for the progressive. The end does not justify the means. In the end, we must be true to ourselves. From this Aquarius rising: Tomorrow’s God will tell us we are all God’s children, and our brothers’ keepers. As beings of power, intelligence, and love, we are the lords of our own thoughts. We hold the key to every situation.

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