Tuesday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
We Need To Start Transitioning To Paper
Ballots To Combat Russian Hacking 
by Matt Vespa  

Opinion in Brief

Burt Prelutsky: “Each time I see footage of the Democrats at Trump’s State of the Union speech I’m reminded of those sneering football players who spent the season getting more attention for what they were doing on the sidelines than what they were doing on the field. The 242 Democrats (49 senators, 193 House members) who sat on their hands even when Trump pledged to support family leave, something not even liar-nObama called for, may have thought they were expressing their disapproval of the man, but I suspect that a great many Americans saw it for what it was; they were showing their contempt for those of us who had elected the man at the podium. They were taking a knee and giving the rest of us the finger. Perhaps the most telling moment came when Nancy Pulosi turned to glare over her right shoulder and appeared to be making sure that none of her stooges were caught applauding for veterans, an end to chain migration or the Pledge of Allegiance.”   ~The Patriot Post

Bongino – Nunes Investigating Brennan 
For Perjury, scum-Adam Schiff Is A Snake 
{ rickwells.us } ~ Democrat politicians are predictable in their use of their anti-American play book and their incessant assaults on our country... Dan Bongino made that point in a Monday interview on Fox and Friends, as well as pointing out that John Brennan and James Clapper are in a lot of trouble. While noting that they are “downright evil” he acknowledges that they are tactically brilliant, citing the inclusion of classified information in their memo, which would make it impossible to release for national security reasons and then claim censorship and partisanship on the part of the White House. Steve Doocy raises the reports that Devin Nunes’ House Intelligence Committee is looking at former CIA Director John Brennan, with the issue being potential perjury by Brennan in public hearings. Brennan denied knowing of or using the Fusion GPS dossier, or of even knowing who commissioned it, all of which, evidence is now showing, was false...  https://rickwells.us/bongino-nunes-brennan-schiff/.
Donald Trump Jr.'s wife hospitalized after
opening envelope with white powder 
by Katherine Lam 
{ foxnews.com } ~ Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump, was hospitalized Monday after receiving a letter containing white powder... New York City police told Fox News. President Trump‘s daughter-in-law opened the letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. about 10 a.m. at the couple's Manhattan apartment. It's unclear what the "white powder" was. Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital as a precaution, police said. Two other people were reportedly also taken to the hospital, according to ABC7NY. The couple has five children, though it was not clear if any were home at the time of the incident. Police and Secret Service are investigating the incident...   http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/12/donald-trump-jr-s-wife-hospitalized-after-opening-envelope-with-white-powder.html
DHS: 'NBC News Continues to Falsely Report'
on Russian Hacking, 'Misrepresented 
Facts,' 'Confused Public' 
by Craig Bannister  
“NBC News continues to falsely report my recent comments” about Russian hacking and the 2016 elections... DHS’s Jeanette Manfra said Monday, warning the network’s ‘irresponsible reporting” is undermining DHS’s efforts to do its job. In a statement regarding the recent NBC news coverage on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to combat election hacking, Jeanette Manfra, National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Assistant Secretary for the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, accuses NBC of misleading and confusing the public by misrepresenting her remarks: “Recent NBC reporting has misrepresented facts and confused the public with regard to Department of Homeland Security and state and local government efforts to combat election hacking.”...  https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/dhs-nbc-news-continues-falsely-report-russian-hacking-misrepresented-facts?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRVMk1tVTROekZtWXpKaSIsInQiOiJqZUk5Z0txVVFRTmtIUUJsRGpiVkNsMlA0WnhXelZkNjFreG9lNkZPbXJMeCtpZ1MrOHQ3dXprelNcL1wvNFwvQ1wvbGVSVEpZT1wvcndGN0ZjRFBLOW1VdnhkVWFxVFBsSmVjMWVkNDRZd21NNTE4TzlCYzVQTlFQMllRTUxQZnpcL1Q0OCJ9 
Remington Gets Ready to File for Bankruptcy 
by Erika Haas
{ bearingarms.com } ~ There’s been much debate surrounding the so-called “Trump Slump” in the gun industry. How bad is it? How long will it last?... Will it change the face of the industry? Is it even real? While we still don’t have any concrete answers to these questions, there is one thing we know for certain: Remington Arms is struggling. Last month, the firearms manufacturer – one of the oldest and largest in the country – began exploring options to restructure its $950 million debt. The company not only saw a significant drop in sales in 2017 but lost a number of its investors. The gun manufacturer has also been caught up in a handful of legal proceedings, including another  lawsuit related to the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. On Monday, the company officially announced that it had reached a restructuring support agreement with creditors to reduce its debt and allow it to continue normal operations as it enters bankruptcy proceedings...  https://bearingarms.com/erika-h/2018/02/12/remington-announces-restructuring-support-agreement-fund-bankruptcy-proceedings/?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad
Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 2/11/18
FBI Official Bill Priestap Turns On Comey – “He’s A Traitor”
Judge Jeanine Knows the Jig is Up
Seb Gorka: scum-Schiff's a liar, rino-McCain's a Democrat
Laura Ingraham DESTROYS EVIL EMILY Over The Nonstop DeppStateMedia Attacks OF Trump
Robert Mueller Found Out His Plan To Impeach Trump Just Went Up In Flames
We Need To Start Transitioning To Paper
Ballots To Combat Russian Hacking 

by Matt Vespa 
{ townhall.com } ~ No, we don’t need to go to paper ballots because we didn’t get hacked. The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan suggested on NBC’s Meet The Press over the weekend that we should start transitioning to paper ballots to avoid a possible partisan crackup in America if an election is contested based on such an event (via RCP): 

PEGGY NOONAN: I would say, here's my big concern. We are, as we all know, a deeply divided country. We have these partisan fights, they're very rough and tough, this side watches this, the other side watches this, we're not in the same information flow. One thing that could damage this nation terribly is having a national election where the outcome is unclear because we got hacked.

The states is a national election. By the year 2020, right away we should start saying, "You've got to go paper ballots." We'll figure out all this Internet magic, technological stuff, but for now, paper ballots in America so Ohio knows how it voted.

Yet, vote tallies weren’t hacked; the Department of Homeland Security said so last year. Even the liar-nObama administration said that the “will of the American people” was reflected in the 2016 election, with the DHS noting they did not detect “any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on Election Day.”

The Washington Post also reported after the 2016 election that it’s virtually impossible to hack an American election:

That's the question at its root: Could hackers change the numbers to change our elections? The Fix spoke by phone and email with Merle King, executive director of the Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State University to get an answer. In summary: It would be harder than we think — in part because we tend to conflate a number of very different election systems.

"One of the challenges the public has in sorting through the various threads of the current election cycle's stories is understanding the differences between a campaign system, an election system and a voting system," King told us.

The campaign system is the tool set used by candidates or parties to get people elected. The election system covers voter registration systems and other data centralization and is specific to jurisdictions. The voting system is the actual process of voting: the machines, the ballots and the designations of who votes where and on what. Information flows between these systems, but not always in two directions: Campaigns, for example, use voter registration data from the elections system but don't send information back to it. So if a campaign is hacked or if the Democratic National Committee is, there's no risk to the voter registration database.

Confusing these systems can mean misunderstanding the threat — and the intent of the hackers. Take what happened in Arizona or Illinois, where voter files were lifted from the election system.

"When I hear about a hack, and it's attributed to a Russian IP address, my first reaction is it's identity theft," King said. "They're looking for large lists of critical information that can be used to create identities for credit card theft, etc. I don't instinctively think it's an attack on our election system."

The important point King makes is that hacking the elections system and the voting system are very different in nature and effect. "If the election systems were hacked, there are paper backups of the electors list — every precinct has to maintain a paper copy of the voter list — so you could disrupt an election by attacking those election systems," he said. "But most importantly, you could not alter the outcome of the election by hacking those systems. That would have to occur in the voting system" — the actual process of casting ballots. And that's harder than it seems.

The publication then listed how Florida verifies its results. The 49 other states have a similar process. It’s not as easy as the media and Democrats are making it out to be on television.  

In Pennsylvania, which was a target of Green Party candidate’s Jill Stein’s failed recount effort, no evidence of tampering were found, backing up DHS claims. Also, to actually tamper with an election result in the Keystone State, you’d have to mess with the 4,500 voting machines, which experts say would take four months to do it successfully. That’s only after you’ve been able to break into the secure facility where all the voting machines are stored, which is under 24-hour surveillance (via CBS Pittsburgh):

“We have not seen any evidence that anything has been compromised since we had the machines,” Allegheny County Director of Elections Mark Wolosik said.

There are a lot of reasons for that. Let’s say you could break into the machines and reprogram them to favor a candidate.

The first issue,” Wolosik says is, “They are an island unto themselves. They are not connected to any other machine.”

So any manipulations would have to be one machine at a time, which Dr. Shamos estimates would take 15 minutes per machine, with 4,500 machines.

“To do it for all the machines in the county would take four months,” said Dr. Shamos.

It would also have to be done undetected in a warehouse that is under surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Over the past week, the election machines have moved from the warehouse to the polling places.

“Prior to leaving our warehouse, they are sealed with an individually numbered seal that is recorded,” Wolosik said.

Then, on the morning of the election, the poll workers compare the number to the seal.

“If there are any discrepancies, they are not to use that machine and to call our office immediately,” said Wolosik


One other safeguard – while voting is going on, an independent accounting agency randomly selects a voting machine somewhere in the county and tests it to see if there’s any Trojan horse software running on it.

So, can we bring down the paper ballot-Russia hacking hysteria down a few notches? 

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