Tuesday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Republican Trump Critics Missing the Boat
by David Limbaugh
Tuesday Top Headlines
kHcK__l4GtkAiIMBUrnGoralzjT-guEJ5SMIzHZObihZ1pcbZeVE05f5wMS-745qsj3VmaxVPQk5AUTpqXXWMzyp_GXNphQ_vzbLBI6PSSO_ST3EC6VQEof4VEEKeGo=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=500by Political Editors:  In the first such analysis, Treasury says tax-cut plan will more than pay for itself, add $300 billion in revenue (The Washington Times)
Fewer blacks, Hispanics go jobless under Trump (The Daily Signal)
Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier (Fox News)
CNN walks back Jeff Sessions-Russia bombshell (The Daily Caller)
Women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct speak out (Of all places, NBC News)
5 Democrat senators call on Trump to resign over misconduct allegations (Politico)
Roy Moore, Doug Jones set to face off in Alabama Senate election (ABC News)
Judge denies Pentagon bid to delay Jan. 1 deadline to accept transgender recruits (The Washington Post)
Two companies that sold fetal body parts for profit have been put out of business (National Review)
Illegal immigrant found guilty in murder of family of five in San Francisco (Fox News)
NYC bomber a beneficiary of chain migration and the visa lottery program (CNS News)
Humor: ISIS holds caliphate-wide safety stand-down after botched NYC terror attack (Duffel Blog)
Policy: How affirmative action hurts Asian-Americans in college admissions (The Daily Signal)
Policy: The state of President Trump’s deregulation efforts (American Enterprise Institute)  ~The Patriot Post
Jim Acosta, Propagandists in Press Briefing
{rickwells.us} ~ Before getting to the portion of the exchange in the White House press briefing in which Sarah Sanders turns... caustic Jim Acosta inside out and wipes the floor with his entrails, the video sets the tone with a question by another of the libtard pretend-journalists. In posing his biased question about bias and deception in the press, the bug-eater asks, “The President reacted quite angrily over the weekend to a Washington Post reporter’s tweet about crowd size that was quickly deleted. I wonder if you can help explain the discrepancy between the President’s reaction to incidents like this, which he calls fake news and talks quite a bit about, and his silence on actual disinformation campaigns like Russia ran during the 2016 election to deliberately spread false information.” He says there is a discrepancy as the basis for his question, which is a false premise, and the two are not equivalent in nature. The biased reporter conveniently fails to mention the involvement of liar-Hillary Clinton in paying for some of that disinformation, in collusion with the FBI, who gathered much of it from Russian intelligence officials... https://rickwells.us/sarah-sanders-destroys-acosta/
Undoing the Federal 
Government’s Reverse Mortgage Fiasco
by John Ligon
{dailysignal.com} ~ Because of the largesse of federally financed subsidies in the Federal Housing Administration’s reverse-mortgage program... the federal government has gradually crowded out private insurers from the market for these financial products since the program began in the late 1980s. Indeed, amid the multitrillion-dollar maze of federal insurance and guarantee programs lies the Federal Housing Administration Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program—an insurance program providing loss coverage on reverse-mortgage originations backed by federal taxpayers. The loan program simply has become a severe financial burden for federal taxpayers. The Federal Housing Administration reports that the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program faces a financial shortfall totaling roughly $14 billion in fiscal year 2017...   http://dailysignal.com/2017/12/06/374083/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tds-fb?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tds-fb?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CapitolBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWW1RellXTXhPRFF3WXpWaCIsInQiOiJZZUJ3QTVLUWUxaE8zOXhOXC9CTUZ5cFBURkNoSUc1UE9CMTZMelJyRDRxejIxMk9VQ3Vza1wvdk1aUGhDVzFYWENcL1dGME1RbHJ2ZmdPZ3ZVeEVoYTlTaGNCSmx5d3RZdnVIYXNrYjRHemtQelZjdjk1Q2lLOFBFdm1sYmFmMVNKOCJ9
Glenn Greenwald Attacks 
CNN, Mainstream Media For Fake News
by Alex Parker
{truthrevolt.org} ~ In the Saturday edition of The Intercept, co-founder Glenn Greenwald attacked the media's recklessness... in reporting stories regarding Russia for the sole purpose of accomplishing a leftist agenda, and therefore ultimately injecting the world with more fake news. In his castigation of the left-tilted media, Greenwald -- former writer for left wing Salon  and The  Guardian himself -- stated, “Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time.” Expounding upon that, he said: “The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day...  http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/glenn-greenwald-attacks-cnn-mainstream-media-fake-news
Democrats Roll Out Next Trump Witch Hunt – Congressional Sexual Misconduct Hearings
{rickwells.us} ~ The next step in the orchestrated attack by the globalists to remove President Trump from office is now taking shape... With the fake Mueller Russia witch hunt now in danger of blowing up in their faces by exposing their own collusion, Democrats are rolling out their next political operation. It likely began with the deliberate leaking of the Al Franken photos and Democrats Speier and Comstock going before the House and multiple outlets on their crusade against “inappropriate sexual misconduct.” First the Democrats needed to create a standard of action, with the removal from office of the ancient fossil John Conyers, who is already quite old and was a known liability for his predatory behavior and cash settlement. They next rolled out Franken’s non-apology apology and his non-resignation resignation, claiming he’d “do the right thing” in a couple of weeks. I speculated at the time that this could be part of an elaborate effort to force Roy Moore out. It turns out there are two fish Democrats want to serve up at this fry, Moore and President Trump...  https://rickwells.us/democrats-trump-sexual-hearings/
Political Media Suffered Its Worst Week EVER Past Seven Days
Frank Luntz Focus Group: Why These Alabama Voters Are Sticking By Roy Moore (HBO)
Yikes Watch This Tornado Pass Through A SC Warehouse
Gee This Hamas Terror Tunnel Discovered By IDF Was Built Before Trump’s Jerusalem Speech
Watch Volcano Give Birth To A New Island
Prager U: Social Security Won’t Give You Security
Republican Trump Critics Missing the Boat
by David Limbaugh
{townhall.com} ~ I am probably too exercised over the never-Trump faction, because in the end, it's doubtful it is strong enough numerically to make a significant impact on our electoral politics, but it still bothers me to witness intramural conservative battles.

I have no quarrel with those who once self-identified as never-Trumpers but now appraise his actions and statements on a case-by-case basis instead of reflexively opposing his every move. My frustration is with those who obsess over Trump and lie in wait to pounce on any real or imagined Trump misstep like panting dogs drooling under the choice slab of beef hovering above them.

I don't want to paint with too broad a brush, but these are the types of conservatives whose tweets relentlessly savage Trump and harshly judge other conservatives who dare to support or defend him -- on darn near anything. They mock and judge, judge and mock, preen and point, point and preen, forever lamenting the end of decency among many conservatives and the death of the Republican Party.

They excoriate conservatives for allegedly abandoning conservatism, painfully oblivious to their hypocrisy in often making their case on hyper-leftist shows with conservative-hating hosts and guests or fawningly retweeting leftists who have as much contempt for any conservative as they do for Donald Trump.

These critics argue that conservative Trump supporters have been tainted by their association with Trump, yet they jump in bed with those who haven't a stitch of conservatism in their entire anatomy. They're not just freely cohabiting foxholes with leftists; they are gradually drifting their way on policy.

They wouldn't be as annoying if they weren't so sanctimonious about their professed conservative purity and so judgmental about conservatives generally supportive of Trump, which brings me to what inspired this column.

A prominent Republican Trump critic with whom I'm friendly on Twitter betrays increasing dismay over the perceived betrayal of conservative Trump supporters. That we aren't alongside the naysayers lambasting Trump at every juncture, that we aren't mortified by every Trump tweet, is agonizingly disillusioning to him.

This week, he tweeted dolefully, "In the end, there will only be two groups of conservatives: those who sold out to Trumpism, and those who didn't. The policy differences among us pale next to that one major division."

Do you smell the judgmentalism -- the rush to judge the motives of friends on the right? Note the language -- we have "sold out to Trumpism," which is inarguably a sweeping moral condemnation of conservative Trump supporters.

It can't be that the countless millions of us believed -- correctly -- that Trump would be light-years better than liar-Hillary Clinton as president or that, horrors, the critics were wrong. It can't be that we support Trump's major advancements in deregulation, his stellar judicial appointments and his efforts to cut taxes and repeal the abominable liar-nObamacare individual mandate. It can't be his support of the military and national defense, his refreshing and contagious bullishness on America or his election alone, which stands as the greatest impediment to the further advancement of liar-nObama/liar-Clinton leftism. Oh, did I mention that Trump declared Jerusalem the official capital of Israel, as opposed to his presidential predecessors who merely paid lip service to the goal? And did you notice that the economy is smoking along at 3.3 percent growth?

In addition to their insufferable conceit, the critics are embarrassingly out of touch with and grossly underestimate rank-and-file conservatives, which is the most egregious consequence of their arrogance. The tens of millions of conservative Trump supporters numerically dwarf his hand-wringing critics -- a reality that is inaccessible to them in their self-constructed bubble. They either don't realize how outnumbered they are or have contempt for the majority who don't share their narrow moralistic calculus. Millions of everyday American conservatives -- even if they don't wholly approve of Trump's style, manners or idiosyncrasies -- are cheering Trump on and grateful he has stopped the Democrats in their tracks and is moving the country back to the right.

So, as I've written before, I don't believe there is a serious schism in the grass-roots conservative movement. I don't believe that constitutional conservatives who are now supporting Trump have sold their souls or jettisoned their principles. They have not sold out; they have bought into the big picture.

I don't contend that Trump is a constitutional conservative, but he is advancing conservative policies more than any president in a long time -- probably more than, say, Mitt Romney would have been able to. I don't agree that by supporting Trump, conservatives have ceded control of the party to an undefined populist movement -- and certainly not to an alt-right cabal. If anything, Trump is moving more toward conservatism than conservatives are moving toward populism.

I have no animus for the malcontented Trump haters on the right and strive not to judge them -- though I strongly disagree with them. But I sure wish they would quit judging the millions upon millions of the rest of us, whom they manifestly don't understand.
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