Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
What Happens At 443 Congress Street?
by Tom McLaughlin
scum-Eric Holder Incites Riots In US Streets 
If liar-nObama Syndicate Protector 
Mueller Is Fired
{rickwells.us} ~ Former Mexican cartel gun-runner and the only sitting cabinet member in US history... to be held in contempt of Congress is back, running his foul mouth again. liar-nObama’s original dirty cop AG, scum-Eric Holder is once again warning President Trump against firing chief inquisitor Robert Mueller or otherwise hindering the Democrat witch hunt he’s leading on their behalf. The globalist Democrats want to continue to be able to hammer and restrict the actions of President Trump through their bogus investigation and also to deliver the daily smears that it enables. Now he’s positioning the vile anti-Americans into a win/win situation where if that means of attack is taken away from them, they will use it to usher in their plan “B,” Alinsky style public unrest... Arrest the scum for inciting a riot.  https://rickwells.us/holder-incites-riots-mueller/
Trump: Russia Probe a
‘Democrat Hoax,’ liar-Hillary Probe ‘Rigged’
by Fred Lucas
{dailysignal.com} ~ Supposed Russian collusion with his 2016 campaign is a “Democrat hoax,” President Donald Trump said Friday... and the FBI’s probe of his vanquished opponent liar-Hillary Clinton’s email scandal was “rigged.” Talking to reporters before boarding Marine One outside the White House, Trump said most Democrats aren’t claiming proof exists that he colluded with Russian officials. “There is absolutely no collusion. That has been proven,” the president said, adding... http://dailysignal.com/2017/12/15/trump-russia-probe-a-democrat-hoax-hillary-probe-rigged/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0RJMVpUTmpORFJqWTJNdyIsInQiOiJiUDFOOHBUelBYQzJlNTExd2Z2RkFVMlwvNW9VVkx5bnVkeklMUW1yWnBPT1cxWlk5bkxydHlReElSTlpqVUZaalZVNzJNNDVrdHphcGRwQ1AreXgwTFFBTThwMzFCV2NpM3d2VHJ6TURkREgyNVVlZ1dnV0lMbEJzaU9qekFJQ1gifQ%3D%3D
Liberal Lawmakers Trying to Bail 
Out Private Pensions With Taxpayer Money
by Rachel Greszler
{dailysignal.com} ~ Last year, liberal lawmakers wanted to bail out the United Mine Workers of America’s pension plan to the tune of roughly $6 billion... This year, they’re at it again, except on a larger scale. Under pressure from a few very large and politically powerful unions—including the United Mine Workers of America and the Central States Trucking Union—liberal lawmakers are seeking up to a hundredfold increase in taxpayer bailouts for private, union-run pension plans. Across the U.S., there are more than 1,300 union-run or “multiemployer” pension plans. More than 90 percent of them have set aside less than 60 percent of what they promised to pay... http://dailysignal.com/2017/12/13/liberal-lawmakers-trying-bail-private-pensions-taxpayer-money/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0RJMVpUTmpORFJqWTJNdyIsInQiOiJiUDFOOHBUelBYQzJlNTExd2Z2RkFVMlwvNW9VVkx5bnVkeklMUW1yWnBPT1cxWlk5bkxydHlReElSTlpqVUZaalZVNzJNNDVrdHphcGRwQ1AreXgwTFFBTThwMzFCV2NpM3d2VHJ6TURkREgyNVVlZ1dnV0lMbEJzaU9qekFJQ1gifQ%3D%3D
How feds shut down 
Christian health-care provider
{wnd.com} ~ The mission of the health non-profit Daniel Chapter One was simple. Using biblical principles... Jim and Patricia Feijo created a series of products enthusiastically endorsed by customers who claimed it soothed their ailments. Yet that was enough for the Food and Drug Administration and the Internal Revenue Service to launch an aggressive raid, complete with screaming and drawn guns, to shut down the ministry. On March 31, 2015, the United States government closed the 30-year ministry of Daniel Chapter One, claiming it might violate a governmental order – without any customer complaints or any evidence of harm...  http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/how-feds-shut-down-christian-health-care-provider/
Memorial for Kate Steinle Destroyed at UC Berkeley
{patrioticviralnews.com} ~ If ANTIFA is on a crusade to prove that they have absolutely zero sense of compassion, justice, or logic, they’re doing a pretty excellent job... In their latest disgusting act of vitriol, the group of brainwashed thugs hired a paid activist to interrupt the vigil of Kate Steinle and destroy her memorial. Kate Steinle’s only crime? She was murdered by an illegal immigrant named Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, and that story doesn’t fit with ANTIFA’s narrow worldview...  http://patrioticviralnews.com/articles/memorial-for-kate-steinle-destroyed-at-uc-berkeley/
What Happens At 443 Congress Street?
by Tom McLaughlin
{tommclaughlin.blogspot.com| ~ A small demonstration was going on when my ten-year-old grandson and I were walking together on a Congress Street sidewalk last summer. I’d forgotten that the Planned Parenthood clinic had moved there from Forest Avenue a while ago. It was a Friday morning and that’s when they do abortions. One group of about eight people was holding pro-life signs and smaller group of older women had signs saying: “I stand with Planned Parenthood” and "PLANNED PARENTHOOD PROVIDES VITAL HEALTH CARE." Two more people in pink vests stood one on each side of the entrance to 443 Congress Street. A Portland cop leaned against a mailbox watching everything.
The older women didn’t try to engage my grandson but some of the younger pro-life demonstrators talked to him. As we walked on past he asked me what abortion was. I thought for a minute and said, “When some women get pregnant, they’re very happy and look forward to when the baby is born. Other women aren’t happy to be pregnant, so they come here to have the baby removed before it can be born.”

“They do?” he said.

He looked troubled, but at that moment we came upon a pickup truck parked next to the curb with multicolored splotches of paint all over it that looked like it had been applied by Jackson Pollack. It also had matchbox cars and skulls glued to the top edges of the truck bed and my grandson was fascinated. He walked all around it looking carefully at its many details. I told him I knew the truck’s owner, an artist named Zoo Cain. There were no more questions about abortion and we proceeded further up Congress Street toward the Maine Historical Society, our original destination.
They go on everywhere
The pro-life demonstrations were happening on the sidewalk at 443 Congress Street before our encounter that day and have continued afterward. Andrew March, pastor of a Lewiston, Maine church, has organized some of them and literally made a federal case out of them. Portland police confronted March telling him he may not raise his voice so it disturbs women coming there for abortions. Writers at the leftist magazine Slate call it, “religious invective.” Well, “invective is defined as “insulting, abusive, or highly critical language.” Was the Reverend March using insulting, abusive, or highly critical language? Or, was he simply telling the truth?
Portland Police were trying to enforce an order from Maine’s pro-abortion Attorney General and Democrat candidate for governor Janet Mills. She claimed that Maine Civil Rights law could restrain the volume of Reverend March’s voice. March asked the police how loud a voice he could use to get his points across, but they wouldn’t say.
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March claimed there were much louder noises coming from climate-change marchers and others who had just gone by, so the real issue was what he was saying and not how loudly he was saying it. March sued in federal district court in Portland, Maine on First Amendment grounds and won. In May, 2016 U.S. District Judge Nancy Torresen ruled that Maine’s Civil Rights statute violated March’s 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech. Then Attorney General Mills appealed to the First US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston which overturned Judge Torrensen’s ruling last August. According to Slate Magazine, Mills won by claiming that pro-life demonstrators were “so loud that they could be heard within the examination and counseling rooms of the building . . . that it jeopardized the health of persons receiving health services within the building . . . and that it raised stress levels, respiratory rates, and blood pressure” of the women about to have abortions.
Now Reverend March wants to take his case the US Supreme Court.
When my grandson asked me what abortion was, I could have used the Maine Attorney General’s and Planned Parenthood’s language. I could have told him that abortion is “women’s health care.” Would that have been truthful? I could have described what we had just witnessed as “women trying to get ‘medical care’ while people on the sidewalk were shouting ‘insulting, abusive, and critical language’ at them.” Would that have been truthful?
Instead, I used simple English to describe as truthfully as I could what happens at 443 Congress Street in Portland, Maine every Friday morning. My ten-year-old grandson deserved that. So would anyone else who may happen to pass by there and wonder what’s going on.
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