Thursday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Will NFL Demand Respect for Old Glory?
by Pat Buchanan
Challenging the Racist Cops Myth
-6_fjs6XMu9l7qwggr4cBF0-KAGMhdWIT_zGX5gun9xBNvHZy9V2Rxl13FIxyPZY7mkHH8_EJwu01qkFyITz_nFYWteE3JhtmGo7o7dffFyUwtLiqgUyMbO4Bkbi8II=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=500 by Thomas Gallatin:  NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem was a movement steadily gaining momentum. It suddenly exploded last weekend after Donald Trump called out the protesting players for disrespecting the American flag. Now the Leftmedia elite are blaming Trump for causing “division.” But the truth is Trump hit upon an issue that has become deeply offensive to many Americans: Multi-millionaires are protesting supposed injustice and racism in America that is simply not backed up by the facts. Those protesting are demanding that Americans concede to accepting a reality that amounts to a lie. And what is that lie? That police across the nation are systemically racist against blacks. It’s the Democrat war on cops.

          Any time an issue like racism is raised, it evokes high degrees of emotion and passion, because it hits at two fundamental truths. First, an individual has absolutely no control over their ethnicity; quite literally they are “born that way.” Second, people naturally gravitate toward and relate to those with whom they share the most in common. And neither of these truths are inherently wrong or evil. When these realities are raised as ultimate delimiters and primary identifiers between people, that’s when the ugly problem of racism emerges. In other words, friction happens when people are taught to attribute everything about themselves and others primarily to the lowest common denominator of race. For example, the reason you got in trouble was because you’re black, or the reason you got into a good school is because you are Asian, etc.
          It is precisely this flawed race-based mindset that has been behind the current NFL anthem protests. When objectively looking at the actual data, an honest individual can easily see the flaw in these protesters’ objections. The truth is that police are not a bunch of racists running around seeking black men to kill or imprison.
          In 2015, the number of individuals killed by police was 995. That’s out of a total population of 318 million people. Obviously, the bare fact that an individual was killed doesn’t tell the whole story, but of those killed only 90 were determined to be unarmed. Of those unarmed individuals killed only 4% were black men killed by white cops. In the vast majority of all police killings (three-quarters), law enforcement officers were confronted by individuals who were armed. One statistic often left out of the conversation is the number of police killed. In 2015, 124 out of an estimated 900,000 full-time federal, state and local officers lost their lives in the line of duty.
          The objective data simply does not support the protesters’ message of a pandemic of racist cops. It is merely a popular myth perpetuated by those who ply their trade by convincing people that they are helpless victims and targets of some massively unjust society, especially the police.
          Why is it that none of these NFL players or owners has the courage to actually stand up and challenge the lie that is being perpetuated? The greater problem is not players kneeling during the national anthem, it’s that no one is willing to step up and challenge the lie of systemic racism.  ~The Patriot Post

Establishment Tool Karl Rove Pretends 
He’s ALL MAGA After Strange Defeated
{} ~ The Bush political snake, Karl Rove, snakes don’t have ears or necks, joined his fellow Bush machinery cohort, Dana Perino... in a brief discussion about the political establishment they represent once again losing a GOP election. Rove attempts to divert attention away from the fact that his candidate lost because he was a swamp dweller supported by big politics and its big, corrupt money. Luther Strange, with $30 million in GOP establishment cash for false attack ads, that couldn’t be countered due to a financial disparity, still lost. Sure, as Rove said, the historic relationship between Roy Moore and the citizens of Alabama played a role, but in large part this segment seems to have been crafted by the establishment to minimize of the loss. At least equal to the Moore relationship is the connection of Strange to Mitch McConnell, the Bush machinery, the DC Swamp operatives, the US Chamber of Commerce good old boys, and Karl Rove, who attempted to tie it all together through his PAC...
ANTIFA is Already Letting Us Know They
Will Be Inciting Insurrection on November
by Tim Brown
{} ~ Somehow, I wonder where these people were when actual fascism was taking place from DC under the reign of Barack Hussein liar-nObama Soetoro Sobarkah...  Oh, I know, they were in lock step with him. However, now the Anti-Fascist fascists known as Antifa are letting American patriots know exactly where they will be gathering and what they are planning to do to incite insurrection. According to, the Soros and liar-Hillary Clinton-funded Communists will be taking "To The Streets And Public Squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met."...
China’s ‘Magic Weapons’: Influence 
Operations Subverting Foreign Governments
by Bill Gertz
{} ~ China under supreme leader Xi Jinping is stepping up coordinated intelligence operations aimed at influencing foreign governments into backing Beijing's anti-democratic goals... according to a new study. Chinese influence operations involve multiple government and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence organizations that seek to buy, guide, or coerce foreign governments into advancing its agenda, says the study written by New Zealand professor Anne-Marie Brady, a fellow at the Wilson Center. "Even more than his predecessors, Xi Jinping has led a massive expansion of efforts to shape foreign public opinion in order to influence the decision-making of foreign governments and societies," the report says...
Hawaii Delegation, Security Experts at
Crossroads on Defense Against North Korea
by Natalie Johnson
{} ~ After several months of escalating tensions between the United States and North Korea, Hawaiian leaders have begun to brief residents on emergency plans for a potential nuclear attack... But while the state's congressional delegation continues to place trust in Alaskan-based interceptors to shoot down an incoming missile, defense experts warn the existing system may be inadequate. The United States today relies on ground-based interceptors in Alaska and California along with a floating sea-based radar system to detect and destroy missiles headed toward Hawaii, but the chief of U.S. Pacific Command told Congress in April these defenses "can be overwhelmed" and "could stand strengthening." With North Korea's successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile in July, calls to fortify Hawaii's missile defense have grown more urgent...
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Now liar-Hillary’s Blaming Rudy Giuliani
GREAT NRA Commercial: Freedom’s Safest Place | “We Stand”
DirecTV Allowing Refunds For NFL Sunday Ticket Over Anthem Protests
Governor Of Puerto Rico Praises Trump Admin Hurricane Response
Jeff Sessions: Freedom Of Speech Under Attack On Campuses
Archeological Proof Of Kings David And Solomon
This US Aircraft Carrier Can Destroy Targets 1,000 Miles Away
EPIC VIDEO: David Harris Destroys The NFL!
Will NFL Demand Respect for Old Glory?
by Pat Buchanan
{} ~ "America refuses to address the pervasive evil of white cops killing black men, and I will not stand during a national anthem that honors the flag of such a country!"

That is the message Colin Kaepernick sent by "taking a knee" during the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" before San Francisco '49s games in 2016. No NFL owner picked up his contract in 2017. But a few players began to copy Colin and to "take a knee."

Friday night in Alabama, President Trump raged that any NFL player who disrespects Old Glory is a "son of a b---h" who ought to be kicked off the field and fired by his team's owner. And if the owners refuse to do their patriotic duty, the fans should take a walk on the NFL.

And so the stage was set for NFL Sunday.

Two hundred players, almost all black, knelt or sat during the national anthem. The Patriots' Tom Brady stood in respect for the flag, while locking arms in solidarity with kneeling teammates.

The Pittsburgh Steelers coach kept his team in the locker room. Steeler Alejandro Villanueva, an ex-Army Ranger and combat vet, came out and stood erect and alone on the field.

For NFL players, coaches, commentators, owners and fans, it was an uncomfortable and sad day. And it is not going to get any better. Sundays with the NFL, as a day of family and friends, rest and respite from the name-calling nastiness of American politics, is over.

The culture war has come to the NFL. And Trump will be proven right. Having most players stand respectfully during the national anthem, while locking arms with other players sitting or kneeling in disrespect of the flag, is a practice the NFL cannot sustain.
The mega-millionaire and billionaire owners of NFL franchises are going to have to come down off the fence and take a stand.

The issue is not the First Amendment. It is not whether players have a right to air their views about what cops did to Michael Brown in Ferguson, or Eric Garner in Staten Island, or Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Players have a right to speak, march in protest, or even burn the flag.

The question NFL owners are going to have to answer soon with a definitive "yes" or "no" is this: Do players, before games, have a right, as a form of protest, to dishonor and disrespect the flag of the United States and the republic for which it stands? Or is that intolerable conduct that the NFL will punish?

Trump is taking a beating from owners, players and press for being "divisive." But he did not start this fight or divide the country over it.

Kaepernick did, and the players who emulated him, and the coaches and owners who refuse to declare whether insulting the flag is now permissible behavior in the NFL.

As Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said Sunday, team owners and Commissioner Roger Goodell have strict rules for NFL games. No NASCAR-type ads on uniforms. Restrictions on end-zone dances. All shirttails tucked in. Certain behavior on the field can call forth 15-yard penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct, or even expulsion from the game.
Our Supreme Court has denied coaches of public high school teams the right to gather players for voluntary prayer before games. Why not an NFL rule requiring players to stand respectfully silent during the national anthem, and, if they refuse, suspend them from play for that day?

Or will the NFL permit indefinite disrespect for the flag of the United States for vastly privileged players whose salaries put them in the top 1 percent of Americans?

If watching players take a knee on the gridiron before every game, in insult to the flag, is what fans can expect every week, Trump again is right: The NFL fan base will dissipate.

Sunday's game exposed a clash of loyalties in the hearts of NFL players. Do black players stand in solidarity with Kaepernick? Do white players stand beside black teammates, if that means standing with them as they disrespect the flag under which hundreds of thousands of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died?

This conflict in loyalties among NFL players mirrors that of our country, as America divides and our society disintegrates over issues of morality, patriotism, race and culture.

We have been here before. At the Mexico City Olympics of 1968, gold and bronze medal-winning sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos each raised a black-gloved fist as a sign of solidarity with Black America, and not the nation they were sent to represent.

A month later, America elected Richard Nixon.

In terms of fame and fortune, no professions have proven more rewarding for young black American males than the NFL and the NBA.

Whether they soil their nest is, in the last analysis, up to them.
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