Thurs/Med AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

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Searching and Seizing 
by Cal Thomas  
Thursday Top Headlines 
g6JQDfwjY5SDJyqz_B7k5dJEQYj3SKCoT27O0g0bniXjscVg1rS2QZjmVMlUu20gCjE8osCO0lrSWsAWCmprpN7Z-LauYXM7Brq-FeU3mzB5-24ffKkXUNtyaybRVM92IXAnM6dNPZkCLrsaNwzwksnByqaouCGk_OJA6ILYkZM=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Political Editors:  California governor says deal reached on National Guard mission (Associated Press)
New air pollution report: California is the worst (Hot Air)
New York Gov. Cuomo grants 35,000 paroled felons right to vote; GOP sees “power grab” (Fox News)
Trump says he’ll walk out of a planned meeting with Kim if it is “not fruitful” (The Wall Street Journal)
Castro rule in Cuba nears end as Miguel Diaz-Canel named sole candidate for leadership change (The Washington Post)
Goodlatte to subpoena Comey memos (The Washington Times)
Facebook to put 1.5 billion users out of reach of new EU privacy law (Reuters)
Data firm leaks 48 million user profiles it scraped from Facebook, LinkedIn, others (CBS News)
Global debt has reached a record high of $164 trillion, IMF says, and three countries are to blame (MarketWatch)
Humor: Impoverished Kenyan bean picker can’t wait to see what Starbucks has to say about racial sensitivity (The Onion)
Policy: New national test scores show Betsy DeVos was right about public schools (The Daily Signal)
Policy: Cuba’s leadership transition is an illegitimate succession of power (The Heritage Foundation)   
CIA Director Mike Pompeo 
met with Kim Jong Un over Easter weekend
by Samuel Chamberlain

{ } ~ CIA Director Mike Pompeo met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un over Easter weekend... in an effort to lay the groundwork for a summit between Kim and President Trump, Fox News has confirmed. Pompeo's trip, which was first reported by The Washington Post, came to light hours after Trump told reporters that the U.S. and North Korea are holding direct talks at "extremely high levels" in preparation for what would be an extraordinary meeting following months of heated rhetoric over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. Though the White House did not initially comment on the reports, Trump acknowledged the meeting in a Wednesday morning tweet, saying it went well...
Agitator Illegals Opposed 
to Border Wall Build Human Wall to Block Americans
{ } ~ The City of Los Alamitos, California, held a second vote as required by law on their ordinance nullifying the illegal sanctuary state policies of California... Some of the innumerable illegal alien squatters and their activists in southern California came out to disrupt the proceedings, chant, play Mexican music, and engage in the general chaos creation that Democrats have told them is how things are done in the US. Noting the illegal’s hypocrisy, patriot Gary Galino points to a large percentage of the squatter agitators who have linked arms and formed a human wall blocking the Americans from easily accessing the meeting. He asks the illegals, who are chanting the lie that “this is our home,” why they’re building a wall when they’re supposed to be against walls and for open borders. None of them answered his questions. Maybe they just don’t speak or comprende that gringo lingo. It’s interesting that the cheerleader for the illegals is saying “We must obey the law,” when it come to the state sanctioned violation of federal immigration laws. So they must obey laws that favor them and defy those that don’t – got you, amigo...How stupid can they be.
Does Rod Rosenstein’s Comey 
Memo Response Indicate Possible Criminal Review?
by sundance
{ } ~ U.S. Attorney John Lausch had previously explained his specific role is to coordinate document production from the DOJ-OIG... with specific focus on evidence documents that pertain to the “original” Horowitz investigation path.  That only includes documents pertaining to the politicization of the DOJ/FBI relating to the liar-Clinton investigation. U.S. Prosecutor John Huber is paralleling IG Horowitz on all investigative findings that fall into potentially criminal conduct.  The evidence being culled into the Huber files are not going to congress because they are potentially evidence in ongoing criminal cases.  The Huber evidence contains grand jury material and evidence of likely criminal conduct. Yesterday, in response to congressional committee demand by Chairman Goodlatte (Judiciary), Chairman Nunes (Intel) and Chairman Gowdy (Oversight), for the memos written by James Comey, some of which were leaked to media, Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked for additional time for DOJ review...
Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ 
Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack 
by Adam Kredo
{ } ~ Iranian-backed militants are operating across the United States mostly unfettered... raising concerns in Congress and among regional experts that these "sleeper cell" agents are poised to launch a large-scale attack on the American homeland, according to testimony before lawmakers. Iranian agents tied to the terror group Hezbollah have already been discovered in the United States plotting attacks, giving rise to fears that Tehran could order a strike inside America should tensions between the Trump administration and Islamic Republic reach a boiling point. Intelligence officials and former White House officials confirmed to Congress on Tuesday that such an attack is not only plausible, but relatively easy for Iran to carry out at a time when the Trump administration is considering abandoning the landmark nuclear deal and reapplying sanctions on Tehran... 
San Diego County Joins California’s ‘Sanctuary-State’ Revolt 
by Susan Crabtree
{ } ~ San Diego County, California's second-most populous county, on Tuesday joined at least a dozen other municipalities in supporting... the Trump administration's lawsuit against the state over its so-called "sanctuary" law. The county's all-Republican Board of Supervisors discussed the issue in a closed session Tuesday and afterward announced that it had voted in favor of supporting the Justice Department's lawsuit against the state law. The law in question, SB54, officially titled the California Values Act, limits cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities. The vote was 3-1, with one supervisor absent...
Searching and Seizing 

by Cal Thomas 
{ } ~ "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." -- Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

No one ever accused Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz of being a conservative, but Dershowitz is a rare breed these days; someone who applies the Constitution and the law to everyone, regardless of their political leanings.

In the matter of the FBI raid on the law office of President Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, Dershowitz has said: "It is a dangerous day for lawyer-client relations."

Dershowitz noted that federal agents confiscated an unknown number of documents and items from Cohen's office, home and hotel room and speculated they might include confidential papers pertaining to attorney-client discussions with the president about the $130,000 payout to porn star Stormy Daniels and the $150,000 payout to Karen McDougal, who claimed to have had a yearlong affair with Trump.

Raising the issue of double standards when it comes to investigations into the behavior of Republicans vs. Democrats, Dershowitz said on Fox News and other media outlets: "If this were liar-Hillary Clinton having her lawyer's office raided, the ACLU would be on every TV station in America jumping up and down. The deafening silence of the ACLU and civil libertarians about the intrusion into the lawyer-client confidentiality is really appalling."

Being appalled isn't what it used to be in the face of government intrusions through wiretaps and the exposure of personal data in many social media accounts, most notably Facebook.

What President Trump's lawyers should do is demand that a judge require all of the documents and items seized in the raid be turned over to a court for examination as to which are relevant to an investigation and which violate attorney-client privilege.

On Monday, when asked by a reporter if he intends to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who's currently spearheading the FBI's investigation into possible Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election, Trump responded, "We'll see what happens." He again criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the investigation. Sessions's recusal led us to Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, who personally approved the FBI's raid. Rosenstein then named former FBI director Robert Mueller to the investigatory team, a team that reportedly includes three members who have donated to Democratic presidential campaigns. Does this smack of partisan politics? It certainly smacks of partisan overreach.

The point about individual rights, including the right to privacy, is that they must be equally applied. You can't deny those rights when it suits your political goals and apply those same rights when they don't. If the government can sweep up every document in Michael Cohen's possession, whether they are relevant to an investigation or not, simply because they have it in for those on the right, we are all potentially in jeopardy.

The president has the right to dismiss Mueller for exceeding his original mandate. The question, however, is not whether he has the right, but what the political cost would be. Just as Dershowitz noted, the silence from the left and the ACLU, to which I will add major newspaper editorials and Democratic politicians, is deafening. You don't have to be a psychic to know they would all express outrage if Mueller was fired.

With so much riding on the mid-term elections, including possible articles of impeachment against the president should Democrats win a House majority, whether to fire Mueller is a huge decision for the president and his lawyers to make, a decision with serious political consequences.

Of even greater importance than the fate of one president is the future of individual citizens and their right to be protected from an increasingly intrusive federal government.

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